

La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Well here's the deal:
gpdoom keeps reseting( and no it isn't batteries) on me and I've been informed that it's becuase I'm using the offical file launcher which I was happy with.
the concept of firmware is great but I'm to scared of what could happen.
So what do I do. Which is the safest one. And also if theirs something I can do which doesn't involve flashing please inform me.
EDIT: and now gpcinema is reseting on me. I need these great programs! :(
Thats pretty odd... I had doom on my smc with the origional firmware for quite some time with no problems... wierd. Something you could try is launching your programs through a file selector like YAFL or Wind-ups (which you probably already do to lauch gp cimema...). If you must flash, I've done it twice. First I used mr.spivs v.3 firmware which works really good.

You can boot to the korean firmware to use the pc-link and you can autoboot to progams through pacrom very fast which is real convenient. I've heard great things about aquas new firmware but havnt tried it b/c I prefer something with the origional korean firmware on it (aquas got the euro one and the pc-link on it dousnt work). I'm currently using gpbios and its pretty good, though the load on startup is longer than the autoboot of pacrom.

But its pretty good- has origional firmware, boots to different programs on different smc if you wish (though I believe aquas new one does this too), and includes gpdrive (version 4 though) and darkfaders pc-link. Both the ones I tried were painless to install- put the files in the correct place, run the fxe with FRESH batteries, and thats it. Pretty much as long as you got fresh batteries theres nothing to worry about. So I reccomend both the ones i've tried. Btw- flashing really aint that scary. Once youve done it, your gonna be like "thats it!?" :)
Thats pretty odd... I had doom on my smc with the origional firmware for quite some time with no problems... wierd. Something you could try is launching your programs through a file selector like YAFL or Wind-ups (which you probably already do to lauch gp cimema...). If you must flash, I've done it twice. First I used mr.spivs v.3 firmware which works really good.

You can boot to the korean firmware to use the pc-link and you can autoboot to progams through pacrom very fast which is real convenient. I've heard great things about aquas new firmware but havnt tried it b/c I prefer something with the origional korean firmware on it (aquas got the euro one and the pc-link on it dousnt work). I'm currently using gpbios and its pretty good, though the load on startup is longer than the autoboot of pacrom.

But its pretty good- has origional firmware, boots to different programs on different smc if you wish (though I believe aquas new one does this too), and includes gpdrive (version 4 though) and darkfaders pc-link. Both the ones I tried were painless to install- put the files in the correct place, run the fxe with FRESH batteries, and thats it. Pretty much as long as you got fresh batteries theres nothing to worry about. So I reccomend both the ones i've tried. Btw- flashing really aint that scary. Once youve done it, your gonna be like "thats it!?" :)
I was running from windups but I'll try packrom just to be different:P
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