Firmware Is Stuck At 2.0.0


Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2007
I tried 3.0.0 but I didn't like it. So I read various topics on downgrading and did the following:

Extracted the firmware 2.0.0 on an SD an rebooted with SELECT and START pressed
It installed the firmware and it looks fine.

Then I extracted the firmware 2.1.0 files on an SD (after deleting the old 2.0 files from them ofcourse) and rebooted again with START and SELECT pressed (I am getting RSI, but you get my drift)

Did the same for firmware 2.1.1.

When I now bootup, it says 2.1.1 in the bootscreen. But in the settings screen I cannot select a new skin (the option , just like the effects option is missing) and at the Info screen it says 2.0.0

I retried both updates (2.1.0 and 2.1.1) but it didn't work. Whats going on?
Hmm, when you flashed to 2.0.0 did you (after the initial "hold start+select") run the patch.2.0.0.gpe ? And there is no need to goto 2.1.0 to 2.1.1, you can go straight from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 iirc. but it does seem like you did not run the patch(numbers) after doing the initial flash.

The updater (when you hold start+select at boot) replaces stuff like uboot (not needed if you have a unit above 2.0.0) and the kernel. The patch.gpe replaces stuff like Gpmenu and updates any applications. Hope this helps!
And you only get the menu options I mentioned if you have skins installed? But what about it stating it's version 2.0.0. Thats supposed to happen? :P

I just did 2.0 to 2.1.1; the booter screen still shows 2.0.0 for me, but the info screen shows 2.1.1 (ie: evidently the applications patch took, but possibly the bootloader or kernel patch didn't take.. *shrug*) Hell with it, I'm not going to sweat it :)
