Firmware 1.2.0 Updated But?


Still Fresh
Dec 20, 2005
South Africa

I have done the firware update, and if I go to the info on my GP2X it tells me I am on 1.2.0 but the green spashscreen still tells me I am on 1.1.0. <_<

Has someone else got this problem? If so can one fix it? :blink:


I have done the firware update, and if I go to the info on my GP2X it tells me I am on 1.2.0 but the green spashscreen still tells me I am on 1.1.0. <_<

Has someone else got this problem? If so can one fix it? :blink:


Seriously I cannot say anything for sure... but are you absoloutely sure all went well? Can you control the menu 4-ways?
If everything works as expected you could probably even leave it like that but it seems as if the patching process was maybe interrupted or you didn't apply the patch but only switch the kernel? Did you use the patch program from the Utility filebrowser?
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ive just done the same myself, all the updates seem to be there (as far as i can tell) but the initial loading screen still say 1.1.0

you didnt follow the availible instructions.

you no what Vimacs i did (sort of, lol) chucked in the SD card, although no Firmware Upgrade screen appeared the .img file was removed from the card so i proceded with the patching

so is there anyway to fix this issue? and what (if any) problems will/can arise from the way this firmware has been applied, as far as i can see everything seems to be running ok...but then i might be overlooking something

any chance that perhaps a readme could be chucked into zip file? it seems a bit odd that you can download the latest firmware update and then have to browse the web for whats actually been updated and how to install it? how hard is it to write a small txt file, all the other zips i download for my GP2X have them in it
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If there was no firmware update screen then you didn't actually upgrade the firmware. However, applying the patch may have messed something up with the current firmware as it is designed for 1.20 (or whichever one you're installing).

To CORRECTLY install firmware 1.21 you should get THIS file and follow the directions in the readme.txt VERY CAREFULLY!

NOTE: Although it is unlikely (if you follow the directions, at least :P ), you may brick your gp2x by doing this.

Good luck,
i have a similar problem, the green splash screen says 1.2.0 but info says 1.1.0 :wacko: