Firmeware 4.1.1


Still Fresh
Nov 5, 2007
Hey everyone,

I have searched the forums and can't find anything on Firmware 4.1.1 Is it good, should I upgrade to it from 4.0?

A link to a previous post would do, or some discussion.

It would be better to just wait until the Open2X firmware is out. I believe firmware 4.1.1 fixes some things like the excessive volume, but in turn breaks the touchscreen requiring you to patch it with ED's version of notaz's utility.
Some of the Pros & Cons of FW 4.1.1:

- Improved built-in apps (new features & fixes)
- Lower volume (for apps with ear-deafening volume)
- No more sound frequency issues (Allegro games, Java games...)

- Broken touchscreen (for homebrew only; notaz has a fix for this)
- Volume too low (for apps that auto-detect F-200s & then lower the volume)
- Broken autorun function (using GMenu2X is a pain)

IMO, it is better to stick with FW 4.0.0 (or wait for Open2X). The broken autorun function is too much of a loss; GMenu2X is very hard to use, as it needs to be relaunched manually each time after exiting apps that exit back to the gp2xmenu. :(
Thank you both for your reply on this one. I am going to wait for open2x. I used gmenu2x and don't want the pain of relaunching all the time.