What I don't get is why they don't let choose people what frontend they want to use.
Because it requires resource to maintain... That's why you have different people maintaining Gnome from KDE... and I guess Palemoon from Firefox.
It also doubles your workload when you want to add a toolbox item for example, as you have to put it in both, then make sure it all flows etc.
And in a way you do have that choice... You can either pick Firefox, or some Chromium based browser (which unfortunately, seems to be 99% of the rest).
I don't mind UIs being updated per se, but when you hide the key functions, or make more taps/clicks to do the same thing you did before, then you've lost (IMO).
In my work's software, we've debating "cleaning" up certain screens (removing excess fields), but when talking to the users, it means that they need more clicks to go find that information when they need it. So far, we've left it looking rather cluttered. However, my plan for the next major update is to make a more flexible screen that shows only relevant portions. Almost a compromise of clearing the screen, without increasing CTA (I'm coining the phrase Clicks-To-Action

, although somebody will probably already tell me it has a name)