Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn Of Souls Dumped



Yeah, Australia got their English copy yesterday, and some crazy fool posted a link to his website where he hosted it. He was, of course, banned within 30 minutes (I'm surprised it took them that long).

I actually lucked upon it, as my batteries just died in my gp32_console , and I was perusing my favorite GBA news site when I happend to see the thread.

I don't have my gear with me ATM (laptop, cable, etc.) so I had to e-mail it to my house for later.

Now before you nice folks lambaste me for piracy, let me sound off a bit, if I may:

I have no guilt in 'stealing' Nintendo re-hashes. Although FF1 holds a warm spot in my heart, these games are going on 15 years old, and have had a few re-makes already. This is yet another example of Nintendo milkng the nostalgia market for a few extra bucks. (How many mario re-makes do we need?!?)

The last game I flashed was Zelda: Minish Cap. I've had this sitting, unused, on my flashcart for a couple of weeks now. I played about an hour's worth before I realized it was "more of the same".

Yep, I mostly play old games, thus my love for the gp32_console .

I'll trail off now ... my shift is about to end.
What a terrible argument for piracy. First of all, Final Fantasy I and II haven't seen a remake, except perhaps on the Wonderswan if I'm not mistaken. Secondly, to say that a game being "more of the same" justifies piracy is to open up 99% of the game world to piracy. Lack of innovation isn't an excuse for stealing, a LOT of work still goes into these games. It's one thing to pirate something that has little or no hope of being brought back again, but to pirate something that a company has already put down some cash for? That's stealing.

If you actually believed in what you said, you'd have no reason whatsoever to download these games since they are "more of the same." Since you were obviously hoping for games like "The Minish Cap" to be different and innovative, as seen in your disappointment in the game not being so, the scruples that you seem to indicate you have do not exist.
Yeah, if you;re going to pirate either use a better justification (It's Sqaure Enix'x game not Nintendo's) or just be man enough to say "I dig free swag. *Yoink* " and be done with it. Hell, I'm about to do just that. I'm unemployed and I love me some free games, I wont lie. But I also dont think I'd go brag about it in a place where I might get flamed for it.

BTW, Wasnt FF1 remade for the PS anthology with CG cutscenes?
you are correct sir... it was indeed. And I too dig free swag... I only promise never to tell others where to get said swag... I myself am a thief and loving it.