File Archive 404s?

Mr Rob

Active Member
Apr 23, 2011
Fargo, North Dakota, USA.
Hello all:

Have other people been running into some 404 errors when trying to download things from the file archive?

The SNES emu (,0,0,0,71,63) gives me a 404, and so does Dosbox (,0,0,0,72,54). However, it isn't all of the packages, for example, Wesnoth downloads just fine.

Allegedly the file archive has the best Dosbox port (fixing touchscreen offset errors) which is what I'm really interested in....
Sorry, perhaps I was vague. The links above lead you to the general 'Dosbox' or whatever application page it is. That works fine. When you go to download, then accept the license, etc. etc. and then the eventual link you get doesn't work.
I've also had this problem... ED!!!! :unsure:

@Mr Rob: I have both ports of Dosbox. Neither solves all my mouse issues...

For a full assessment of both versions.

Here is the Dosbox.pnd from the file archive: Dosbox.pnd

I haven't tried Winbox yet...

P.s. Dosbox74.pnd can be found at Pandora Apps.


Thanks FaeMinx -- I actually came from that thread looking for the Doxbox that fixes cursor problems. Unfortunately the PND you uploaded still had some cursor problems; at least in Theme Park it did. Hmm, I'll keep looking.

Thanks again.
I was playing with it earlier, and I wonder if it isn't really a Dosbox problem....

For example, using the touchscreen for Simfarm worked perfectly well -- no problems whatsoever. However, using the same Dosbox PND, it was terrible while playing Theme Park.

I don't know what conclusions we can draw from this, but those are just my observations.
There's an alternate MOUSE.DRV floating around somewhere which is better suited for the touch screen. You need to install Windows 3.1 (and run your game through that) to use it, though.
There's an alternate MOUSE.DRV floating around somewhere which is better suited for the touch screen. You need to install Windows 3.1 (and run your game through that) to use it, though.


I'm going to assume that kills performance, right?

--Edit; I somehow double posted within a post itself. Wacky.
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I don't know, actually. I've ran games through it, and they worked well (the performance certainly wasn't "killed"), but I dunno how it compares to simply running games through the command prompt.
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I installed Windows 3.11 in winbox today and had the mouse pointer problem in windows.

Also, is share.exe still unsupported in dosbox/winbox?

