FGEN beta! From www.ksd/gp32/합니다/dev

hhahhah YOU TWAT...

Dont ever do that again.. or i'll fry ya GP32.. ..!

Made me a bit excited none-the-less...!

It was class and even converted the Megadrive 2d sprites into full 3D with real-time lighting complete with bumpmapping.....
any ideas about how long wre gonna have to wait, im itchin already....

Must go get that checked out, but you know how embaressing it can be for problems down below....
yeah dude that was totally funked up of you yo trick us. And about the wait....I'd say a very long time as Rlyeh tends not to release much publicly
In the GP32 EZINE Rlyeh said he currently had it running at 50% speed with frameskip 3, but that once he had figured out how to optimise the emulation of the 6800 CPU(the one the genesis uses), this and his MAME emulator should get much faster, Skeezix's Atari ST emulator has emulated a lower clocked this CPU perfectly though, so I'm a little confused, but I probably don't understand the issues involved
MAME!!!!!! DUDE!!!!! KICKASS!!!!!

(Rigor had been driven to incoherence by excitement due to the fact he did not know MAME was being ported)
true karma posted on Jul 25 2003 said:
In the GP32 EZINE Rlyeh said he currently had it running at 50% speed with frameskip 3, but that once he had figured out how to optimise the emulation of the 6800 CPU(the one the genesis uses), this and his MAME emulator should get much faster, Skeezix's Atari ST emulator has emulated a lower clocked this CPU perfectly though, so I'm a little confused, but I probably don't understand the issues involved
There's a bit more than a 68k involved. The Genesis hardware specs are actually quite impressive, especially when compared to the SNES. Here's what an emu author has to deal with:

CPU: Motorola 68000 at 7.61 MHz
+ 1 MByte (8 Mbit) ROM Area
+ 64 KByte RAM Area

Co-Processor: Z80 @ 4 MHz (Not Present in MK-1631)
+ Controls PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) & FM Chips
+ 8 KBytes of dedicated Sound Ram

+ 64 simultaneous colors of 512 color pallete.
+ Pixel resolution: 320 x 224
+ VDP (Video Display Processor)
+ Dedicated video display processor
+ Controls playfield & sprites
+ 64 KBytes of dedicated VRAM (Video Ram)
+ 64 x 9-bits of CRAM (Color RAM)
+ 3 Planes: 2 scrolling playfields, 1 sprite plane

+ PSG (TI 76489 chip)
+ FM chip (Yamaha YM 2612)
+ 6-channel stereo
+ 8 KBytes RAM
+ Signal/Noise Ratio: 14dB

There's 3 processors and 2 sound chips! It's no wonder people are having a tough time getting all this to run fast on a 133MHz RISC handheld.

Oh, and I stole these specs from dextremes.com, so yell at them if they're wrong ;)
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No they're right, Funny how the Megadrive has 256 more colours to play with than the SNES....

Oh and damn this thread, I almost wet myself with excitement.....almost :P
Twimfy posted on Jul 26 2003 said:
No they're right, Funny how the Megadrive has 256 more colours to play with than the SNES....
What ARE you talking about? The SNES can have 256 colors onscreen from a palette of 32768. The Megadrive/Genesis is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the SNES. The SNES beats the Megadrive/Genesis in every spec except CPU Mhz, which isn't even as relevant as it sounds since they do not use the same type of processor.
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Twimfy posted on Jul 26 2003 said:
Ooooh seems like we have an upset Nintendo user here, you're probably right but frankly I don't care, it's just something I read somewhere.
No, I'm not upset, I'm just shocked that you didn't know.
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I believe the Megadrive's CPU was actually overclocked 12MHz... I don't really know though.
Ok, since I've started an arguement, we might as well have all the facts. Here's the SNES's hardware specs:

--> Central Processing Unit (CPU) - 16-bit custom 65C816
--> Memory Cycle Time - 279ns
--> Work RAM for CPU - 128 Kilobytes (CPU temp. storage)
--> RAM - 1024 bit (2 @ 128kx8)
--> Video RAM - 512k bit (2 @ 32kx8)
--> Audio RAM - 512k bit (2 @ 32kx8)
--> Total Colors - 32,768
--> Max Colors Onscreen - 256
--> Max # Sprites - 128
--> Controller Response - 16ms
--> Picture Processing Unit (PPU) 16-bit
--> Maximum Screen Resolution - 512 pixels X 448 pixels
--> Maximum # of Sprites per Line - 32
--> Maximum Sprite Size - 64 pixels X 64 pixels
--> Minimum Sprite Size - 8 pixels X 8 pixels
--> Scrolling - Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal
--> Audio Processing Unit (APU) - Sony SPC7000 8-bit (main sound processor) producing 16-bit sound
--> Pulse Code Modulator (PCM) - 16-bit (converts digital information from the game pak into sound)
--> # of Sound Channels - 8
--> Clock Speed - 3.58, 2.68, and 1.79 Mhz (machine adjustable)
--> Software RAM - YES

The SNES also made use of on-cartrige coprocessors much more frequently than the Genesis. There's a list of all the different coprocessors used in various games here if you care to check them out. The list of coprocessors starts about 2/3 down the page, but the rest of the info there is interesting too.

The SNES and Genesis both had their strong points. From an emulation point of view, they are both complex and chalenging systems. Keep these rather impressive specs in mind when you're wondering why there isn't a full speed emu out yet.
Thanks for doing what i didnt do, i would have made an ass of myself... Snes and genesis were 2 great systems. Although, snes might have more good games than genesis...