FFFFF! What happened? Ő.ò


Rainbow Liberation Instigation
Dec 11, 2010
outside looking in side looking out
I only had 23 minute to go till I'd finished downloading CLI Love using FireFox 9 on Hotfix7 Alpha 3 ... All of a sudden, the touch screen becomes completely unresponsive, and a short while later, while browsing the forum using the nubs... The Pandora shuts herself down, and then finds herself in an infinite reboot cycle just as xfce loads.

She had a full battery and was also on mains power at the time, as I was using this phone as a modem via USB Tether.

After she had rebooted a couple of times, I pulled out the USB cable... But to no avail.

Thankfully I still had the 2GB microSD I used yesterday prepped to flash the NAND (Which I've just finished doing)

Oh, and the CPU was clocked at 600Mhz

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
I had selected a folder on the SD card to download to... and apart from that, the nand was a fresh flash of Hotfix 7

No, the problem lies with the battery.

When I booted into xfce just now, it showed only 10% as opposed to the 100% it was for some reason incorrectly showing when it shut down.

I put my spare battery in and tried connecting via wifi, but the connection was too slow to be useable (I'll have to see if there's anything I can do about this)...

So I go with USB Tether again now this time with my Pandora unplugged.

The battery level was sitting at 96% When I started, surely no more than 15 - 20 min have past and the battery is now at 87%

Blasted dual-core phone is charging itself off my poor Pandora!

I'm plugging her back into mains to see what happens...

Unless there was a fault and for some reason the battery was registering as full and thus wasn't charging, then it means that phone is depleting the battery much faster than it can recharge itself. (which is what it appears to be doing - it's already dropped to 84%)

Blast! I wish there were a setting on the phone to disable that annoying feature.

It appears my connection woes are not over yet. :(

hehe 0 views :)

I used to use my Pandora as a portable battery pack for my mobile, its pretty hand sometimes.
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I wonder if the combined demand of charging your phone and caning the wifi was enough to cause a system crash? (ie. not just rapid battery drain, but a drop in system voltage).

As we've seen with certain USB HDDs, excess power draw can do strange things to a Pandora.
Wasn't there some known bug about touchscreeninput in a3?
I wonder if the combined demand of charging your phone and caning the wifi was enough to cause a system crash? (ie. not just rapid battery drain, but a drop in system voltage).

As we've seen with certain USB HDDs, excess power draw can do strange things to a Pandora.

I'm sure something like that was the case (I.e. the touchscreen failing for instance)

Interestingly enough, I was able to download CLI Love all over again this time using uGet... I fell asleep before it finished (was almost 2am), but waking up this morning... I found my Pandora fully charged, the download complete, and my phone fully topped up as well. USB Tether was/is still active.

So... my phone doesn't draw too much power, provided it is close to or is full to begin with, and my Pandora is on mains with the screen switched off. Now, as I'm not downloading anything, the battery level is staying constant for both devices. The screen is on full brightness for both of them.

Thankfully this means I don't have to worry about getting wifi working nicely at the moment, but it does mean I can't just willy nilly download large files via USB Tether without conditions being just right (I'm still going to search for a way to disable automatic USB charging on my Sensation)