Few Questions About Nes Emulator


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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today,i tried to play ljgp32, nestergp..
these emulators are NOT fullspeed at frameskip 0.

Ljgp32 need frameskip 1 to be fullspeed. i have difficulty to handle this emu at frameskip 1 and at auto or frameskip 0 the game and music are too slow. dont forget i have the real hardware and i play it very often. even gba pocketnes is fullspeed at frameskip 0.

Is it possible to put Ljgp32 at 166 mhz. when im in rom selector at left bottom we see 133 mhz but i didnt find a way to change it.

im pretty sure at 166 mhz ljgp32 will be fullspeed at frameskip 0

Or do you know a fullspeed nes emu at frameskip 0 for gp32 ?

thanks for answer.

( i took so many time to play gamegear and genesis emu i didnt have play anything else before today :)
I read some very old topic and found that Little John v.0.3 was Fullspeed even at frameskip 0. a few guys said to try ljgp32 v0.3 instead of v0.4

I tried it and its true : HURRAY , COOL. All my games runs fullspeed at frameskip 0

So why do a v.0.4 that is slower if v.0.3 is faster.

anyway IM HAPPY NOW . im so excited ... when im playing with emulators with my girlfriend in bed. we begin to play with emulator and we finished playing for real. ;)

I REALLY RECOMMEND EVERYBODY THAT HAS LJ GP v.0.4 TO GET V.0.3 instead !! got on yoyofr website to get it. gp32x must upload it to his download section.
I thought you said in the other thread that you got a GP2X not a GP32.

I am confused :blink: