Fenix Wip Tutorial Chapter 0


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Hi guys,

finally, I finished the first part of my Tutorial :)
In this Chapter, you learn a bit about Fenix itself, the different file types and you'll setup a development environment including tools to make coding easier.
You'll even write a little test program and make it run on your GP32.

Please post any suggestions and comments in this thread :)

Chapter 0 (PDF Document)
THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I was just talking to my wife last night about learning Fenix .... are you psychic?!??
THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I was just talking to my wife last night about learning Fenix .... are you psychic?!??

Sure. Didn't you know that?

Wait... you were talking to YOUR WIFE ABOUT FENIX?
My girlfriend doesn't even care if I want to start with Fenix or not...

I married a geek :lol: She's making a bunch of custom graphics, backgrounds, etc. for an RPG we've been working on. She rocks :)
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can you add a step-by-step explanation of what each line in the example program means, please?

otherwise, good work! cheers :)
can you add a step-by-step explanation of what each line in the example program means, please?

otherwise, good work! cheers :)

Errm... I didn't plan this at all, at it is REALLY just an example program for testing.
As said, you'll learn NOTHING about coding in Chapter 0.

Programs with step-by-step explanations are planned for later chapters :)
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Hi guys,

finally, I finished the first part of my Tutorial :)
In this Chapter, you learn a bit about Fenix itself, the different file types and you'll setup a development environment including tools to make coding easier.
You'll even write a little test program and make it run on your GP32.

great, I'm very new to fenix and have been looking around for good tutorial, and coming from a traditional programming background found that the example programs that are on the net are confusing :(
Especially loops that loop by themself while the rest of the program continues :o , so I have been reading DIV tutorial to try get my head around it :)

So this has come at just the right time. :)

ps. the link to the gp32 compatible fenix says it is going to
but it links to
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Actually i just read through the whole tutorial now, and I must say, so far fenix reminds me alot of php. And since i know my way around php pretty ok i guess getting to learn fenix will be easy. (i hope) :)

so far in the hello world example i see a loop which moves 2 pixels to the right each time the loop is runned.

where is chapter 1? :D :D :D
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ps. the link to the gp32 compatible fenix says it is going to
but it links to

You can try the ones you get from fenix.divsite.net - but the compiled files will not be compatible with your GP32 (tried that myself).
You need to get the ones I mentioned in my tutorial.

I think he was just saying that the link in the pdf links to the divsite address rather than the meniego address, this happened to me also, so I just typed it in manually. Great tutorial EvilDragon already done and hungry for more. :)

Thanks again
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This tutorial is great, I never thought that I would be able to make anything vivible on the gp32screen. But now I've made it :D
great tutorial, although i got to impatient when you first mentioned it so i am a bit further than you :P but hey interpreting ther spanish code tutorials is alot of fun on its own. could someone tell me how to make two images appear,, hehehe need help
I made the example program, and when I compile and run, it runs fine, but closes shortly after (few seconds). The error and debug window are both empty so I don't know why it terminated early. :S

Any ideas?

edit. nevermind. ^^; I didn't read the code properly. I thought it was going to loop round, but ofcourse it doesn't.
great tutorial, although i got to impatient when you first mentioned it so i am a bit further than you tongue.gif but hey interpreting ther spanish code tutorials is alot of fun on its own. could someone tell me how to make two images appear,, hehehe need help
figured it out,, thanks,
when are these gonna be updated every few days? every week, ??
Thanks to EvilDragon :D
Just tried then example. It runs fine in FlameBird but when i use it on my GP32 i get the following error:

Fenix runtime error 1
Error al abrir %s

Press any button to reboot

I'm pretty sure ive done everything correctly, anyone help?

Make sure you downloaded this: http://www.meniego.net/files/fenix_all.zip as the PDF links to a version it says is not compatible with the GP32. Not tried on hardware yet, so I'm not certain if this is your problem, but give it a go.
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Make sure you downloaded this: http://www.meniego.net/files/fenix_all.zip as the PDF links to a version it says is not compatible with the GP32. Not tried on hardware yet, so I'm not certain if this is your problem, but give it a go.

I downloaded the wrong one origonally but then the Fenix all one. I set FlameBird to the new one so i dont think it is that allthough i could be wrong i guess :)