FBA Not Working


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
This is weird.

I have MAME4ALL working and PicoDrive working.

FBA does not seem to recognize my ROMs...was not aware there was any more than just one version of FBA stuff. I put them all in the "roms" folder. some of the files are .fba fles others are .zip, but it recognizes none of them.

This has got to be a problem with my romset...or with the emulator needing a different romset than I have.

What I found was FBA with CAPEX. - Is there another FBA emulator out there which needs a different romset, preferably what I have? - Basically, all my FBA roms work on the Dingoo.

The Emulator Page does not even show any FBA emu on it...but I don't know how often this is updated.

At any rate, I solved the format problem on my SD Card, it now gives me all 32GB of space.

I'm back where I was when I discovered the problem, and up by the addition of PicoDrive.

I'm going to get some other Emulators while waiting for response to this, because I'm pretty sure I got the basic idea of what I am doing now, thanks to all the amazing awesome help I got from the community.
also try searching before starting a topic. chances are, your questions were not only answered, but have gone into depth on the subject. a good way to start is by reading the documentation that came with a pnd. theyre located in the menu>documentation category. once youve done that, and still have a problem, search the boards, i.e. "fba capex" is a good choice. simple forum atiquette, and why we're taught to read before we write
Yes, you can find the answer to which roms you need etc. In the releasethread of fba with capex orvon yoshis emulator sheets.
Rather embarrassingly, I too have had immense trouble getting any working neo geo roms together for FBA. I've even converted them using clrmame and the provided dat file to no avail. They start loading then at some point throw out an error during the load. Perhaps have the wrong options selected on clrmamepro.
Rather embarrassingly, I too have had immense trouble getting any working neo geo roms together for FBA. I've even converted them using clrmame and the provided dat file to no avail. They start loading then at some point throw out an error during the load. Perhaps have the wrong options selected on clrmamepro.
Use the latest mame builds older FBA romsets dont work google is your friend
What's the point of clrmamepro then?
I find half the time clrmamepro is only good at downgrading a set, fba uses the newest mame set so, clrmamepro cant add files to games it can only rename and juggle about the files in the set you supply, if files are missing they wont work. Also over time roms degrade and need replaced .
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Well, all I can say in conclusion is "derp". I knew I had missed something obvious. It does help if one actually includes the neogeo.zip bios file.

It's running every neo game thrown at it now. The only issue it seems to have is a brief sound stutter every 5-10 secs, which is better than the audio of the other Neo emulators.
Well, all I can say in conclusion is "derp". I knew I had missed something obvious. It does help if one actually includes the neogeo.zip bios file.

It's running every neo game thrown at it now. The only issue it seems to have is a brief sound stutter every 5-10 secs, which is better than the audio of the other Neo emulators.
Some neogeo sets are pre zipped with the bios files in each games newer sets are not thats the difference between merged and split sets