Favourite FF???

Which Final Fantasy is your favourite?

  • 1

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  • 2

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  • 3

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  • 4

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  • 6

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  • 7

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 8

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  • 9

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  • 10

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Sep 7, 2003
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Which Final Fantasy do people prefer??
Mine is either 6,7 or 8. 1, 2 or 3 are OK, but not my faves. I like 4 and 5, but think that 10 is way overrated.

Anyway, I voted for number 7.....
I am a real sucker for fancy graphics and pretty sounds :wub: I know gameplay is more important than looks and all that, but I just can't help it. So for me it is always the last FF that I like the most.
FF7 all the way baby! 7 is the best 2 is nice too and Im hooked on 10 at the moment. I dont think 10 is overated though as it shows the PS2 at its finest and pisses all over ANY FMV on XBOX! These animators Rock!

7 got my vote though, however if the story unfolds like in 7 towardst the end I might be a convert (I doubt it)

FF7 all the way baby! 7 is the best 2 is nice too and Im hooked on 10 at the moment. I dont think 10 is overated though as it shows the PS2 at its finest and pisses all over ANY FMV on XBOX! These animators Rock!

7 got my vote though, however if the story unfolds like in 7 towardst the end I might be a convert (I doubt it)

Have you actually played on an Xbox? Any machine can play CGI footage. The humble PSone did it nicely.
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FF8 of course is my fav. although I was torn between FF8 and FFX, I couldn't vote for 2 :( but all in all, 8 in my opinion is the best.
For a general rule, anyone FF fan who started out with Final Fantasy 1 back in the NES days will probably ultimately pick FF6.

Since I started with a Vetrex and ended up playing my NES as much as my SNES, graphics really don't affect me that much. FF6's story, gameplay, and charm are better then FF7 IMHO...especially since I'm impaitent and don't want to wait 3 minutes for a battle to load!

Besides, even Ted Wooley (the translator of FF6) gave Kefka some very memorable lines. What lines does Sephiroth have? "You'll all die...and look at my beautiful silver hair!". In fact, I'll go so far as to say FF6 has some of the best dialogue of all FFs so far.
Have I played XBOX???? LOL

NO, I just tested all the games for launch and have worked in the games industry for 2 years!!!!!!

All I stated was: That FF10 (or X if someones gonna bitch about that) uses the PS2s power greater than most if not all games!

Yes!! I know anything can play CGI but it's the pure quality of the aniamtions on FF10 that really stand out from other games.......This game has some lush particles too which shouldnt be forgotten.

I didnt want to start debating but where are all the lush CGI scenes for XBOX??? Beleive me when i say ive played most XBOX games and I havent spotted 1 CGI that could cut the mustard up against FF10!

And yes!!!! I know the PS1 has some superb CGIs FF7 was one :o)

Enough of the ranting and raving, sorry for that.. BUT do not ask such silly questions to me in the future...........

C3DPO = GAMERTAG for the XBOX I've never played!!!!!!!
sorry 1 thing general!!!

Never generalise fans of games m8 we r all different although the earlier FFs did rock!

Any of you Bahmut lagoon fans if not check it out!!!
FF7 is the most known all over the world I think 'coz of he PSX...
but my fav is FFVI...
everything is great with this games (GFX, muzik....even if this is an old 16bits game)

see you ;)
I liked FF7 a lot because it was what my favorite PS RPG's game engine was based on: XenoGear. And 7 was the only one I could bare to play and not feel bored with after 3 hours. Sorry, but the only SNES one I like was probably 3. Even then I felt quite bored with it without having a friend around to keep me awake.
Have I played XBOX???? LOL

NO, I just tested all the games for launch and have worked in the games industry for 2 years!!!!!!

All I stated was: That FF10 (or X if someones gonna bitch about that) uses the PS2s power greater than most if not all games!

Yes!! I know anything can play CGI but it's the pure quality of the aniamtions on FF10 that really stand out from other games.......This game has some lush particles too which shouldnt be forgotten.

I didnt want to start debating but where are all the lush CGI scenes for XBOX??? Beleive me when i say ive played most XBOX games and I havent spotted 1 CGI that could cut the mustard up against FF10!

And yes!!!! I know the PS1 has some superb CGIs FF7 was one :o)

Enough of the ranting and raving, sorry for that.. BUT do not ask such silly questions to me in the future...........

C3DPO = GAMERTAG for the XBOX I've never played!!!!!!!
Humble apologies. Your attitude made you sound like a 12 year old in your previous post. I agree there aren't many CGI scenes on the Xbox. I do believe that's down to the games developers rather than the system lacking the ability, no?
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((off topic)) has anybody beaten Emerald and Ruby Weapon on FF7 and if so, what item is gained from them and what do they do?
((off topic)) has anybody beaten Emerald and Ruby Weapon on FF7 and if so, what item is gained from them and what do they do?
I beat Ruby Weapon. I thought that was fairly easy.
As for Emerald weapon, i could never bo bothered to do all the necessary things. I seem to remember that you need to get some underwater equipment so that you can breath longer underwater, otherwise the time runs out......

Another off topic queston, which sub-games do people like. Eg- do you like the Chocobo racing and snwboarding on 7, the cards on 8, or the blizball on 10 etc.............
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what happened to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles? It's badass! not traditional FF but the best looking FF to date.
Like most people 7 is my fave, 8 was so boring I didn't even bother to complete it. I love 4, 5, 6 and 9 as well. Haven't got around to 10 yet.

Emerald weapon takes cunning, can't remember what you get I'm afraid...

I spent ages on the chocobo racing, definitely my favourite subgame.
((off topic)) has anybody beaten Emerald and Ruby Weapon on FF7 and if so, what item is gained from them and what do they do?


I remember once hearing about someone who watched Star Wars: A New Hope in a movie theater every week throughout their entire semester (this was a while ago). She said it helped her relax from all the stress of college, and eventually she started falling asleep during it. FF7 was like that for me. When I got FF7, I had some going through some pretty tough AP classes, so I played FF7 a little too much more then I should have. I ended up with three Master-level Materia for ALL materia types that could get up to master (including Summon), everyone at Level 99, everything that could be completed, was completed. I beat the final boss in one turn (he's pretty easy anyway). My time had stopped at 99:99:99 about 99 hours ago.

Yeah, at that point in my life, I had no life.

Although, I suspect if one purchases a GP32 for emulation, that one had at least one period of their life where something similiar happened.
Hehe, I also started long ago with FF1...
But my Fav is Nr. 9 (beautiful world, story and characters), followed by Nr. 6, Nr. 10, Nr. 5, Nr. 7, Nr. 3, Nr. 2, Nr. 8 and Nr. 1 :)

Tomorrow I'll start playing FFX-2... but I guess it's not the best ;)