Favorite Wiz Additions


aesir triumphs
Aug 8, 2009
with almost 400 files to download and put on your wiz (on the OpenHandhelds site), it's hard to decide what is worthwhile, and what is trash. i was wondering which extra applications and games are the best (the most downloads can sometimes be misleading)? do the quake ones really work? or are they poorly emulated? anyways, please post your favorite files.
If you're into puzzle games, I'd say look into Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles.

It's played sort of in the style of Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon/Planet Puzzle League where you connect same shapes/symbols and make them disappear.

The story mode has you starting off nice and slow, still learning the basics of the game and teaching you to use a few simple tricks, but as the game progresses it becomes more challenging as they require you to pull off multiple amazing feats that you will have learned by the time you get there.

The download from OpenHandhelds is only a demo of the game, but if it peaks your interest enough, I'd say go ahead and buy the full version.

Quake runs fine on the Wiz (both of them), but the controls will take some time to get used to.
Puzsion is a very good homebrew game. It´s a puzzle game that uses the touch screen. Very addictive, higly recommended.
Try my games:

A puzzle game similar to animatch. Fun and addicting.


Shock Troopers Base Defense
A "Tower Defense Game". It's not completed yet but is very fun... shotgun rools. Nice gfx.



PD: Autopromotion rools!
OpenTTD plays good, if you get used to the small screen size.

Spout is a stupidly addicting game. I like to think of it as the GP2X Wiz's answer to Doodle Jump, despite being a bit different.

WizSand is a fun "software toy", but will need a little work. Slows down when too much is going on.
It was just recently put out, but I really recommend Mplayer for any extra video formats, since it can play FLV, MKV and OGM I've been very happy. =)

Nethack is actually quite good and addictive. Probably some of the most engaging adventures I've had on the Wiz.

Noiz2sa is awesome, lots of fun.

Ghostpix really fun puzzle game.

Those are the games that stand out to me other than specific games for emulators. Then I'd have hundreds of recommendations. >.>