Favorite Books


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
The discussion in the Clockwork Orange Thread got me wondering what you guys like to read.

Some of my favorites are in no particular order.

The Death Gate Cycle (7 books) Weiss and Hickman
The early Dragonlance books.
Lord of the Rings.
Almost anything written by Robert Heinlen.
The Ronan trilogy by James Bibby.
Almost anything written by Michael Moorcock.
Almost anything written by Douglas Adams.
Some of Mark Twains stuff.
Dracula by Bram Stoker.

There are loads more but I'll be here all day :)
oh man, I read dracula. I thought it was the most BORING book I'd ever read. Frankenstein is a better book if your after something gothic

Hmmm...favourite books in no particular order:

The Dark Tower series - Stephen King
Trainspotting - Irvine Walsh
Porno - Irving Walsh
The Dice Man - Luke Rhineheart
Clive Barker - Books of Blood
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
His Dark Materials - Phillip Pullman
All of Terry Pratchetts books
The Great Gatsby - (can't remember)
The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolkein
MotionBlur - OneDotZero
The Art of Looking Sideways - various

can't think of any more at the mo
1. The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
2. Good Omens - Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman
3. Life, The Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams
4. The Resteraunt at the end of the Universe - Douglas Adams
5. Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
6. Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett
7. The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse - Robert Rankin
8. Monsterous Regiment - Terry Pratchett
9. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
10. The Dilbert Principle - Scott Adams
Welsh is an absolute god as far as im concerned, but what are the lord of the rings doing on there? yes im prepared for a falming, but the books arent really that great, its like reading someones dental records. Now the Hobbit is a fine piece of literature. Anyhoo, my favourites are:

All Irvine Welsh
Dark materials trilogy
Great gatsby

I read all the time, i only put the stuff thats really outstanding thats all. BTW, if you like welsh c0ncept try Roddy Doyle. You might like, you might not.
OMG How could I forget Robert Rankin. That bloke is a comic Genius.

Talking of comic Genius has anyone read The B.O.F.H If you work in I.T. it'll have you in fits of laughter and if you don't it is still pretty funny.

The Archive is here.
The Rama Series by Arthur C Clarke
- Rendezvous with Rama
- Rama II
- The Garden of Rama
- Rama Revealed

Fantastic Stuff
literature can include graphic novels imho. Witness the Sandman series or Akira
but its not ALL literature, some are "just" comics

With this in mind, I'll add:

The Sandman
Domu a childs dream
The invisibles
The Preacher
catch 22 - Heller
The Van - doyle
Dairies of Kenneth Williams (trust me) ;)
Just about anything by Alan Bennett letters home is my fave.
ooo i like spike milligans stuff too.

graphic novels: Maus and Maus 2
Maus is an awesome graphic novel. I also really like a small killing, a very enigmatic story and gorgeous artwork.

edit: Anyone read any Sandman books? if you have even an a little appreciation for graphic literature you'll LOVE this. Neil Gaiman is an excellent author, and he manages to mix a wide variety of mythology, urban myth and folklore into an astounding story. And the art compliments the story fantasticaly, really manages to convey the atmosphere.
nope, I need to get round to that one. I really can't emphasise enough how good the sandman is though.

finished 'Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell' a few days ago that was excellent as well
My most read books are:

Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time Saga
David Eddings - The Belgariad
David Eddings - The Mallorean
David Eddings - Elenium
David Eddings - Tamuli
Raymond E Feist - Serpent War Saga
David Gemmell - Drenai Saga
Anne Rice - The Vampire Chronicles
Is the Wheel of Time worth the effort? It's one of those books (lol epic series) that I'd love to read.

I tried to get into it but it takes so long to get going that another book grabbed me and I haven't tried again since.
JRR Tokien - The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Narn i Hin Hurin (a story in Unfinished Tales)

Isaac Asimov - Robot/Empire/Foundation Series (spanning 18 books I think :blink: although you don't need to start at the beginning)

Phyllis Eisenstein - anything by her; she's a GREAT author! Sorcerer's Son would be a good start.

Timothy Zahn - His star wars novels: the "Heir to the Empire/The Last Command/Dark Force Rising" trilogy

Robert T. Bakker - Raptor Red

Terry Pratchett - the Discworld series, especially "Jingo" and "Thief of Time"
BaDToaD posted on Mar 16 2005 at 09:00 PM said:
Is the Wheel of Time worth the effort? It's one of those books (lol epic series) that I'd love to read.

I tried to get into it but it takes so long to get going that another book grabbed me and I haven't tried again since.

It does take a while to get going that's for sure. Saying that it's probably my favourite series out of the lot. Once I finish reading the last book of the Tamuli I'm going to read them again.
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What's the longest book novel you've ever read. Personlly I haven't read anything bigger than L. Ron Hubbards 10 volume 1.2 million word epic Mission Earth. (publishers look for novels around 80-120 k words normally) hehe.

The thing is at the end of this I still wanted more. Ignore any political or religious crap surrounding Hubbard and read the story for what it is. A damn good book.

BTW anyone read the Vorkosigan books by Bujold. I heard they were worth a read.