coz my english is not good i need some tuts for this.
i programmed in asm deep in ZX Spectrum era
i found your thread about fasmarm but i have same result. only blank screen then return to menu. i found one example for gp2x but didnt work
can you post me little example such as "hello world"?
And where i get info about SWI calls ?
thanks a lot.
oops here is code
format ELF executable
entry start
segment executable readable
;print message
mov r0,1;stdout
add r1,pc,msg-$-8;msg
mov r2,msg_len;length
swi 0x900004;__NR_write (syscall)
;cd /usr/gp2x
add r0,pc,mnudir-$-8
swi 0x90000c;__NR_chdir (syscall )
;execute gp2xmenu
add r0,pc,mnuexe-$-8
mov r1,0;arg2 = NULL
mov r2,0;arg3 = NULL
swi 0x90000b;__NR_execve (syscall execve)
mov r0,1;return value
swi 0x900001;__NR_exit (syscall exit)
msg: db 'Hello World in ARM assembler',10
msg_len = $ - msg
mnudir: db '/usr/gp2x'
mnuexe: db '/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu'