Fake Ds?

It sounds to me like they are real too, maybe a version made for the Chinese market and Nintendo don't want people selling this cheaper version here, so they are using this power supply issue to stop them?

It all sounds very weird and even she does not seem to know exactly what the situation is.
Peter R said:
She contradicts herself. She says it is the chargers that are dangerous but she also says that they come with nothing in the box except the console :blink: .

Yeah, it's mainly a lot of whining and moaning. Electrocuted by 5VDC? Duh, great!

She still leaves the main question unanswered: is this a DS clone, or is it the real thing, maybe repackaged without manual and a cheap charger? I'm afraid I have to buy one and take it apart for the answer.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
LAME. I want one, but I'm sure US customs is as douchey as UK Customs :(. If I want my counterfeit DS console, then damn it, I'll spend my own money on one!
Yes, but that means you fund criminals, and terrorism, and communists, and I bet you murder kittens too.

"When you buy these goods, you're not funding our economy, you're actually funding criminals in these far off places and it could be linked to terrorism," she added.

Oh noes, the terrible spectre of vaguely implied terrorism! Boogeyman of the modern age! That'll stop you buying pirated things for sure.
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I got my DSlite fried with "pirated" charger. As I remember the genuine charger have one cable bigger then the other one. (You need to rip the cable to see that)
PlopperZ said:
it could be linked to terrorism,


Trust a government spokesperson to relate something which has nothing at all to do with terrorism to terrorism.
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craigix said:
It sounds to me like they are real too, maybe a version made for the Chinese market and Nintendon't want people selling this cheaper version here, so they are using this power supply issue to stop them?

It all sounds very weird and even she does not seem to know exactly what the situation is.
:) :lol: Is there a specific company that's doing this? I want to test one out!
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I am fairly sure that is one of the stansard colors for the iQue DS Lite.

Nintendo has the manufacturing of them for the Chinese market contacted to another company, iQue (Along with an N64 clone of the same name).

They retail for the equivalent of $60-80 USD in China... THis reminds me of when Lik-Sang got shut down. Remember the issue? They were selling imported PSPs to markets in which they had not yet been released, and they got sued because the power adapters did not match those countries. WTF? Like anyone would try to jam it in without an adapter? :lol:

My verdict: Real hardware, different company, I REALLY want one of these.
palmertech said:
They retail for the equivalent of $60-80 USD in China... THis reminds me of when Lik-Sang got shut down. Remember the issue? They were selling imported PSPs to markets in which they had not yet been released, and they got sued because the power adapters did not match those countries. WTF? Like anyone would try to jam it in without an adapter? :lol:
quasist said:
I got my DSlite fried with "pirated" charger. As I remember the genuine charger have one cable bigger then the other one. (You need to rip the cable to see that)
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
LAME. I want one, but I'm sure US customs is as douchey as UK Customs :(. If I want my counterfeit DS console, then damn it, I'll spend my own money on one!
So long as you don't take drugs, alcohol, medication, water bottles, or toothpaste they'll probably let you through.
Edit: had to change it to medication so it wasn't considered a 'spam' word.
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PoisonedV said:
palmertech said:
They retail for the equivalent of $60-80 USD in China... THis reminds me of when Lik-Sang got shut down. Remember the issue? They were selling imported PSPs to markets in which they had not yet been released, and they got sued because the power adapters did not match those countries. WTF? Like anyone would try to jam it in without an adapter? :lol:
quasist said:
I got my DSlite fried with "pirated" charger. As I remember the genuine charger have one cable bigger then the other one. (You need to rip the cable to see that)
You missed the point.

These are real, they do NOT have pirated chargers. Lower quality? Maybe. But buying some random charger online is a LOT different from getting one with your DS, even if it is a chinese one.

ANd lik-sang was shutdown because jap plugs do not match UK plugs. Even Quasist would be unable to jam a jap plug into a UK one. :P
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