MarioKart has been cheating since the SNES. 1st place, Mario on your tail, suddenly he's star powered. No problem, catch up and pass him and... suddenly he's star powered again. Ok, we're nearing the end and... Gor Dangit! There is no way you can keep getting star power, Mario. And exactly how many bananas does DK have?
I never noticed it in the snes version... probally because it's my own abilities as a game player holding me back on that version
but I'll be spot freaking on in the 64 version, honestly I'm a pro... no mistakes, nobody drafting, no special items, record breaking time then all of a sudden someone eases past me as if I had hit a wall or ran off the road or something... does not matter which character I chose.. ridiculous
also the seeking red shells either completely bypassing the character right in front of you, or get knocked into the air and before you catch up they are back on the road and passing you right away... but if you get hit 3-4 people will pass you at a minimum and will be that way for at least a half a lap.
stupid bungee logic