External Hard Drive is detected but...

Aether Lion

Staff member
Dec 6, 2012
Halfway Between Hell and Purgatory, Pennsylvania
I have an External HDD. (Made by SeaAgent)

It is detectable by my Pandora, yet when I try to access it it says:


|"Failed to mount Local disk

|Unknown File system 'ntfs'."

| ______

| | X Close |


Yet I tried formatting it to exFAT, and when I did that, it was not detected at all!

How do I go about this Step-By-Step?


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I think you have to install the community codec pack for ntfs. I don't think exFAT is supported, Microsoft keeps its specs secret and you need an expensive license.
I think you have to install the community codec pack for ntfs. I don't think exFAT is supported, Microsoft keeps its specs secret and you need an expensive license.
I think you have to install the community codec pack for ntfs. I don't think exFAT is supported, Microsoft keeps its specs secret and you need an expensive license.
Where do I get the Codec pack for NTFS?

:) Thanks!

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I set up the external Hardrive with






Yet, my Pandora is not picking any of the PNDs up?

Why is that?

EDIT: ACTUALLY, MY PANDORA IS DELETING ALL THE PNDS (and none of the folders) on the external HDD???
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Thats strange :wacko:

I had a feeling the Pandora wouldn't search ext HDD for /pandora/etc folders and look for PNDs there but according to the wiki


".pnd files are not looked for in the / (root) of the SD cards.. this is _on purpose_; consider, if your SD card is 32GB, or if you're using a 2TB USB drive even -- it could have tens of thousands of files on it; having the Pandora scan the entire device for pnd files would take forever. Instead, we made a well defined set of directories the system will use - /pandora for everything, with 'appdata' and 'menu' and 'desktop' and other special purpose directories."

It should work therefore and certainly shouldn't delete them.

I've only ever used HDD to quickly transfer files to and from, as the power drain is considerable but if your more or less docking your pandora to a powered HDD, then this should be working amd allow you to run all your pnds from there.

Hope someone can help :)
I used for months an USB key (cause I didn't have an SD at the time) and the PNDs where working without problems from there...
I set up the external Hardrive with






Yet, my Pandora is not picking any of the PNDs up?

Why is that?

EDIT: ACTUALLY, MY PANDORA IS DELETING ALL THE PNDS (and none of the folders) on the external HDD???
How did you format the HDD? ntfs? Did you properly unmount ("safely remove") it after copying the PNDs?

I'm not sure but maybe you have to reboot your Pandora after installing the codec pack.
How did you format the HDD? ntfs? Did you properly unmount ("safely remove") it after copying the PNDs?

I'm not sure but maybe you have to reboot your Pandora after installing the codec pack.

I second this suggestion. Sometimes a reboot is needed whenever updating ( CodecPack, Firmware etc.) or when adding a few more .pnds and they somehow are not recognized properly on first run by the Pandora`s OS.

I set up the external Hardrive with






(bib) - nothing to do with your existing problem I'm sure, but just in case it's not just a typo here you might want to lose one 'm' there to prevent any problems for it finding .pnds put in 'pandora/menu'
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I fixed it by rebooting, thank you _wb_, MarioPandio, PowerGod, and patnik!


I've only ever used HDD to quickly transfer files to and from, as the power drain is considerable but if your more or less docking your pandora to a powered HDD, then this should be working amd allow you to run all your pnds from there.
^ So true, I notice my battery went from 10 hours to 7 hours, wow. :P