Extender - Is There Supposed To Be Music?



(I'm talking about the stand-alone game, not as part of TMG Project)

Broke 1 million points just now. Yep. :mellow:

Also, "Settings" doesn't seem to do anything.
True. I guess that's why the TMG Project also has a 233mhz overclock script with it.. ;)

By the way, the original Every Extend music is very damn awesome...
Thanks all. Unfortunately, Every Extend won't work on this machine ... maybe I'll get around to installing it on my lappy ...

How's about the "Settings" option in the menu? Is/was it supposed to do something?

Holy crap, I'm such an asshole:

"-still missing:
+own sound effects
+initial entry for highscores"

So um, what I really meant to say was, is this still being worked on, 'cause it's my current favorite homebrew game .. yeah, that's right ...
HAHAHAHAH! *points and laughs at TelcoLou*
You are hereby and forthwidth denied all privileges of telling any newbie to read the documentation before asking questions! ^_^

Okay, so I hadn't read it either, but I didn't ask.
Ahhh. Like when you look at your watch and then forget about it two seconds later.
you: *looks at watch*
other person: What time is it?
you: Uh... *looks at watch again.*