Expanding These Forums


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
The Netherlands, Overijssel
I'd like these following forums to be added to the pandora section of this board soon:)
Especially the newbie questions, i'm afraid i have to ask alot of these since im going to be new to linux, and to the pandora.

-Newbie Questions and Answers

-Software Discussions (replace with Beta testing?)
-OS/Theme Discussions
-Pandora Gadgets (expanding the use of pandora)
-Pandora News (without posting permission needed, all currently news post are in general talk.)
maybe have the following forums on release

General Pandora (questions etc)
News and Announcements

(help/release sections)

(i dont want to meddle with development side as i dont have a clue)
borgqueenx said:
-Newbie Questions and Answers
Aww, how cute. You actually think that will help. :P

That being said, a Theme forum, and a hardware hacks forum would probably be good additions. By having their own, dedicated sub forums, it may help jump start some projects.
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I think extra forums should be added if and when it becomes obvious that they would definitely be useful.
Unless there is a sufficient level of activity in the new forum, no one will check it, so anyone wanting to discuss it will post in general just to actually get replies.

Newb Questions would be nice, and clearly there is evidence that it would be used (At least if we include moved topics).
a newbie forum would be great to keep the general talk forum clear of newbie questions, and move them if they dont post in the right section. and maby we can get help faster, and it wouldnt be a flaming thread since everyone knows the noobs live in that forum :)
if a sign says do not touch. some people will touch it - by that obsure euphemisim i think people will post everywhere but where theyre supposed to. i think most of us would class ourselfs far from noobish but we still ask questions
Pandora will get the same that every other device has here after the launch...
I would like to see some sticky posts with information about hardware (GPS and stuff), software (Games, PDA, Office, GPS,...). This could also be implemented in the wiki of course ;)
Where are the newbies you are talking about?

One or two stickies/FAQs/Guides plus a bunch of helpful members is enough to keep it going smoothly.
Just look at a huge board like Notebookreview for example.
It just works if people keep a certain attitude and don't pretend they are the kings of the world.
Newbies are irrelevant.
Some newbies will stay newbies their whole life, others already have more skills than 50% of older members when they make their first post.
This is a highly theoretical discussion. Let's just wait and see what happens.
Everyone yelling STFU and RTFM at a newbie should be banned for a week, that should help :P
I think newbiness is a state of mind, not a level of knowledge. It's an arrogant attitude of entitlement that causes people to think that rather than learning how to assimilate into a community, they can just ask whatever they want of its members without repercussions. They hide behind a curtain of ignorance, claiming that it's outside of their own power to learn the most trivial and accessible information. Of course for technical information there needs to be some leeway, but also sometimes a RTFM is appropriate. That said, it is totally inappropriate to turn any of these questions into flame wars or personal attacks.
Lunatic said:
I think newbiness is a state of mind, not a level of knowledge.
So we don't need an extra subforum for that kind of persons, do we? :D
Personally I rarely see newbies that would fit in that category and I spam forums a lot. If some refuse to research the basics people usually just ignore them ;)
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Yeh a "Pandora homebrew-hardware" section would make sense as there have been lots of threads about switching the wifi module, modding the case, making a docking station, ... the Developers corners could become "Pandora homebrew-software" - offical updates [about hardware or OS, PXML, ..anything which is not approved by the Pandora team and therefore supported by it] could (and should) still go elsewhere
I don't think there's a point of changing the forums considering that once the Pandora is released, the topics of discussion change very dramatically.

But, if there is another major delay (I hope not!), I think the two subforums that should be added are:
- Newbies - where stupid questions can be asked and they will receive actual answers by those willing to look it up for them
- Two-More-Months - a place to express frustration/anticipation/excitement/etc of the upcoming release

Otherwise it is fine as-is, until Pandora is released.
I think I'd find myself most on the homebrew-hardware section, too.

Lunatic said:
I think newbiness is a state of mind, not a level of knowledge. It's an arrogant attitude of entitlement that causes people to think that rather than learning how to assimilate into a community, they can just ask whatever they want of its members without repercussions. They hide behind a curtain of ignorance, claiming that it's outside of their own power to learn the most trivial and accessible information. Of course for technical information there needs to be some leeway, but also sometimes a RTFM is appropriate. That said, it is totally inappropriate to turn any of these questions into flame wars or personal attacks.

What you have described is, to me, a noob. I feel that newbies are genuinely interested and willing to learn, asking everything because they don't know anything yet.
(I think this could derail the thread, if further discussion is needed PM would be best)
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Unless new threads find themselves off the first page within a few hours of posting I see no good reason to subdivide the forums any more than they already are. In fact I'd rather see the opposite. The news section seems pointless and might as well be merged into General talk.