european gp32


Still Fresh
Aug 18, 2003
saw the link from the frontpage of that mitsui's gonna distribute gp32s in europe in a few weeks. the article at liksang says something about a new project in the pipeline, and translated firmware and stuff. i was seriously about to order a gp32 today, and just went to for the hell of it, and now i'm wondering if i should wait for the european release. would there really be any reason too? i live in the US so i have to import either way. if there's some sort of english firmware, i should be able to get it and flash it, right? my point is i'm trying to decide if i should just order it now or not, and i'm not familiar enough with one to know if i should wait or not. any thoughts or opinions?

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If you're interested in getting a GP32 FLU, don't wait for the european launch. Mitsui isn't going to sell FLU gp32 units.
The firmware is English on the GP32. It's just some loading sequences on the GP32 that is on Korean, but if we have manage it you would too. ;) I don't know if it's a new firmware they are talking about, but if so, I think Gamepark will release this new firmware for us with a "old" GP32 too. But that's just speculations and my own opinions.

I hope you buy one! Good luck! :)
i only got mine last week and the flu is a good thing + whats going to be the price of the euro version ive see the colours thought

light....or colour.....mmmmm... light never know if you have a power cut while your on the bog the colours not going to do much is it now :)
Differant colours? I would like a black one with silver buttons.
FLU of corse. I might just do a mod paint job on one if I can't

I was looking to order one for myself shortly.
Curently I'm using my brothers one that I got for him.
I would like to know if there will be any diferances with the european ones?
There better be an upgrade! I can just imagine there not being an upgrade and then all the software here wouldnt work! lol
I'm surely Gamepark will release an update of the original firmware if they release a new one with the "European GP32". Because otherwise/probably all new games wont work with old firmware versions and then they lose profit. It can't cost them too much to put an upgrade on the net, downloadable, with some safe flashing instructions so the warranty will be valid. ;)
INteresting! I can't see how it would be woirth waiting unless they are much cheaper. I mean, the firmware is flashable, so we'll probably have a new firmware available for us older users later on anyway.

The tension builds....!
Even if the new firmware isn't released it can be easily ripped so everyone could update
i just dream of buying games in the shops the people realize how good it is and capcom bring out street fighter 3rd strike or something like that oh how cool it would be ahhhhhh

why does the snes street fighter alpha 2 not work grrrr
The gp32 is going to be pretty much the same regardless of when you buy it. If yoou get the euro version you might be able to get in a diffrent color or not. From what I have seen the colored versions will be limited so I dunno if it will really be a diffrent color. As for firmware don't worry about that get it now and if new firmware is released then you can always flash later. I have a feeling that the whole pc-link / firmware thing will be a bit diffrent on the euro version. There has been a beta of some new firmware and pc-link released and for some reason I have a feeling that this will come along with the euro release. Whatever it is its still up to speculation and no one really know for sure but still get a gp32 its going to be pretty much the same system. Software is secondary and if the new gp32's have diffrent software you will be able to flash and try it out. I'm looking forward to the euro release even though I live in the states its going to mean that more games will be released in english which will be very nice. It will also open the gp32 to a wider audiance so hopfully we will be treated so some really nice new stuff including comercial games and new home brew stuff since the console will be in the hands of more people.
What do you think the price will be, because i live in holland and I don't know if I should wait for the European version or not.

And is it confirmed that the FLU isn't coming out in europe??