Euro launch official

I have read an unofficial biography of Richard Branson, and he got to be so powerful by moving money from one Virgin company to another, and selling shares in them. I don't think he is one of the richest people in the UK, rather a hippy that got lucky!
At one point I think he got as far as number 3 in Britain. Don't know if he ever made it further. And he didn't get lucky. Of all the people in Britain with money, he's about the only one to have worked his way up from nothing, and worked bloody hard to do it!.
What an absolute crock. This is so late in the game it makes me want to cry. Maybe could have worked two years ago, and with FLU, but now who's gonna pay attention. Everyone I know is already waiting for PSP.

Makes me really sad. Guess nothing lasts though.
why wait for the psp it looks cr*p from the screen shots. Anyway, it won't be open source and it'll be bought becasue it's cool not because of the specs or games. Why oh why do so many people still buy the most inferior of the 3 main stream consoles (ps2, NGC, Xbox).
Just a word for tell you that virgin play didn't pay for 35 000 gp32 units.

You need to know that virgin play doesn't know anything about the european launch at this moment, so the email from them (posted on gp32spain) is not totally truth.

Thank you for your time.
akumajo posted on Dec 14 2003 at 11:26 AM said:
Just a word for tell you that virgin play didn't pay for 35 000 gp32 units.

You need to know that virgin play doesn't know anything about the european launch at this moment, so the email from them (posted on gp32spain) is not totally truth.

Thank you for your time.
What a shocker :rolleyes: I'll believe a euro launch when I see it. Gamepark's crappy service and lack of advertisement or even attempts to make it sucessful is what I hate about it.
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Some of you guys where talking about what type of language it would be in considering that it would be launched in spain. Well let's just say that in Europe all there games are multi language they give you an option the first time you start the game up and it would be true english too. not the american so things would be spelled right like colour instead of color and honour instead of honor. and so fourth. but whether or not they do it for gp32 is not yet sure but i doubt they won't not do it. :P
the games are only multi language cos its the pal region, and the games have to run from consoles from everywhere in europe. But since the gp32 is open source and has no regional settings and the gp32 hasnt been releases in the uk there propably wouldnt be an english option
thebluenewt posted on Dec 9 2003 at 06:58 PM said:
Virgin are huge in the UK.

They have V2, a big record label with the likes of the white stripes, stereophonics and moby signed to it.

I hadn't noticed that they'd stopped publishing games but looking at my recent purchases none of them are virgin play so I guess they have.

Virgin Megastores are the biggest competitor to HMV here, though it's noticably a lot emptier than HMV in Newcastle...

They also have an airline and lots of very slow trains.

Richard Branson is the founder though I don't think he was ever that close to being the richest person in Britain (that woman who writes Harry Potter is richer than the queen by the way :P).
Yay somebody else from Newcastle, i knew i was not the only GP32 owner in Newcastle :)

Surely it does not matter if all the units sell, if even 5,000 sell and we get 100 great coders from that then it will keep the system alive and well.
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