Enlightenment Terminal Allows Video Playback, PDF Viewing.

Personally, this sounds like i) serious bloatage, and ii) see (i)

There are uses for it, and its certainly pretty darned nifty; and I'm sure it just leverages the existing framework, so not like they wrote a lot of code just for this. But all told.. I don't really want this in my terminals most of the time .... sure, its neat to hit 'ls' and have it show previews of the images maybe but... I dunno, I would almost never ever use that :)

Kudos tyo them for expanding the idea of what a shell can do, its quite a nifty hack. I just.. do not want :)

it looks pretty nice, but I see that also as a serious blotage of a normally ultra light interface. what's the aim of that? replace a full desktop?