Enable "volume Limit" On Startup


Mar 22, 2007
GP32Spain, Spain
I'm using GMenu2X as my default frontend.

When it's started from the autorun script on boot, the volume limit isn't applied, although it's saved in the GP2X system settings.

So every time I start my GP2X, I need to go to system settings and back to GMenu2X, so the volume limit is applied.

Is there anyway to apply the volume limit before GMenu2X is started? (i.e: in the startup script)
A better and easier way would to just use Gmenu's own volume limit thing at the bottom(A+Vol up or down). It works just as good.
Is not even nearly the same.

When you are using headphones, don't you notice the noise that the GP2X generates when the volume limit isn't enabled?

That noise goes away when you enable the volume limit on the system menu.

Apart from that, I can't stand with headphones if the volume limit isn't enabled, as the sound is too loud even when the volume is decrease to the minimum.
I solved the problem by getting headphones with built in volume control.

I have heard that Mk 1 GP2X's had the opposite problem. They weren't loud enough, so veteran users have no sympathy for us. :)
Well, I've somewhat solved the problem with the following autorun.gpu script:

if [ $(date +%s) -lt 20 ]; then
cd /usr/gp2x/
./gp2xmenu --disable-autorun --enable-terminate --view-system
cd /mnt/sd/gmenu2x
exec ./gmenu2x

It runs the system settings on startup, before launching GMenu2X. It doesn't apply the volume limit automatically but, this way, I only need to press B an then Start (instead of having to launch the system settings from GMenu2X) and then GMenu2X is launched with the correct volume limit option.

Anyway, if anyone finds a way to automatically set the volume limit on startup, let me know. I will also try to find it.
I solved the problem by getting headphones with built in volume control.

Me too. I just plug in the headphones before and decrease volume.
I've fixed the script on my last post so the system settings only run when you start the GP2X, and not everytime that autorun.gpu is launched.

As you can see, I've made it by checking the amount of time that has passed since the GP2X started (I think 20 seconds is a good compromise).

imhotep said:
I solved the problem by getting headphones with built in volume control.
I thought it at times, as the GP2X sound is very loud even when the volume limit is enabled and the volume is set to the minimum...
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CoMiKe said:
imhotep said:
I solved the problem by getting headphones with built in volume control.
I thought it at times, as the GP2X sound is very loud even when the volume limit is enabled and the volume is set to the minimum...

I used to have that problem, but my new headphones have better volume control and can go much softer.
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Thing is we shouldnt have to fix this issue by buying new hardware. Not that im saying this is a direct Gmenu2X issue or whatever, but i dont think it would really take alot of fixing to do.

But i dont use Gmenu2X so im not that fussed :P
Of course is not a Gmenu2x problem, but a firmware problem.

I think that settings should be independent of the launcher you're using. So settings should be loaded before any launcher is run.
Well, this is the way I've finally "solved" the high volume on the GP2X.

- Firstly, I'm using the script that I posted above to enabled the volume limit on start.
- Then, I bought some poor quality headphones with volume controls from a chinese shop for 1,80 Euros.
- I cut the headphone cord and added a female stereo jack near the volume control.

Now I have a volume control for my good quality headphones, and it also serves me for other porpuses! :D

Why didn't GPH just use a slider volume switch like in the Nintendo DS?
Yes, this is a really annoying feature. There must be a way to 'initialize' the volume limit some other way. As not all games apply the limit. Most emus do. So i have to launch some other application beforehand and quit it to prevent my ears from exploding.. (even without GMenu2x)

And as this isn't irritating enough, headphone-users like me are thrilled with the nasty stereo-switching bug. Aargh, help me Open2x! :)

Hopefully there would be some consistency considering the volume in general, as some apps control the main volume, some just the wave volume. This I only assume, as this is just a computer after all.