

Still Fresh
Dec 14, 2003
Ok, Ive looked everywhere, on this site and all over the web. I cant seem to find any GpEmus that seem to be up to par. I have the SNES Os emu and the LittleJohn NES Emu but the Genisis Rom I have sucks and I cant seem to find anymore. I have Fgb32 and for some reason when it scans my files at the start it freezes up. Also could anyone suggest any other really good Emus with links? Any help would be awesome
Ok, Ive looked everywhere, on this site and all over the web. I cant seem to find any GpEmus that seem to be up to par. I have the SNES Os emu and the LittleJohn NES Emu but the Genisis Rom I have sucks and I cant seem to find anymore. I have Fgb32 and for some reason when it scans my files at the start it freezes up. Also could anyone suggest any other really good Emus with links? Any help would be awesome
Almost all the emus are "rough" to one degree or the other. However, most get the job done, even if a little crude.

If you can't find the emus, you haven't looked at all. Try the "downloads" sections of both this web site, and gp32emu.com. There are dozens of emus listed on either site.
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what the hell are you talking about, little john is a perfect nes emulator. fgb while I havn't tried it I know for a fact that it is having trouble with one of the roms you are trying to load. One or two of the roms you are trying to load but be causing it to hang when you go to load it. I have heard good things about this emulator so play with it it will work. Snes and genesis do not suck they aren't full speed with sound but to to the capabilities of the system they are damn impressive. Look arond a bitmore try scumm, sega master system, doom, pcengine and little john again thats some damn good emulation if I do say so myself.
Latest Mega Drive Emulator (xmas release) is excellent. Although still lacks sound. Gunstar Heroes works very well at 156 mhz. And the emulators will only get better. So instead of critisising peoples hard work, you should maybe support them in their efforts to bring these to the GP32 as they are doing it for fun not profit.
what the hell are you talking about, little john is a perfect nes emulator. fgb while I havn't tried it I know for a fact that it is having trouble with one of the roms you are trying to load. One or two of the roms you are trying to load but be causing it to hang when you go to load it. I have heard good things about this emulator so play with it it will work. Snes and genesis do not suck they aren't full speed with sound but to to the capabilities of the system they are damn impressive. Look arond a bitmore try scumm, sega master system, doom, pcengine and little john again thats some damn good emulation if I do say so myself.
What are you ranting about? :huh: Most of the emus are unfinished at this time (thus, the beta <v1.0 numbering). Some are closer to v1.0 than others.
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stop fucking complaining, if you had any idea of how hard it is to write a quality snes emulator on the gp32 you would understand that that snes os is amazing.
If you don't like the emu's fine nobody's is going to stop you from writinhg you're own 'perfect' emulators'. The SDK is free aviable so give it a try and see how hard it is for yourself.

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Ok, my lord calm down! I was just asking a little question no need to get excited! Besides, im freaking new! Give me a freaking BREAK! I understand how hard is is to code and make this stuff but I wasnt ranting about the quality of the SNES Emu, as I said before I told you I loved it and IN MY FRAKING OPINION its a great Emu I wasnt commenting on the quality of it, just bitching about a little sound problem. You know all I needed was a simple "no" not a fucking flame! I cant understand how much you feel about newbs TRUST ME I KNOW HOW IT FEELS! But just calm down! Ive had to stop myself from useless flames before( not this one). So please, just dont be so stubborn next time........dont start any trouble or any flame wars.........
Can we perhaps NOT flame someone for speaking their opinion? Sure, the guy has been ignorant of many emulators around the scene; the solution is to recommend some like vic20-ian, not insult them. Enlighten them to the full potential of the GP32 instead of attacking them, for then they will get nowhere. Besides, he basically only said that fGB froze and fGEN/GenEmu/whatever he tried wasn't up to scratch. If he hadn't have started his post with a wide-shot "can't find any GpEmus up to par" statement a lot of of you would have been more sympathetic. Pity that the word choice was poor.

Oh and Kungfucheez, don't counter-flame. You suck at it.