Emulators For The Pandora


May 12, 2010
What emulators are available for the Pandora at the moment?
Not a complete answer, unless he has a Pandora right now and is looking for stuff to run - And even then, he could go grab Mupen64plus. He may more likely be wondering what has been running and/or what will be available to users in the near future, and that list isn't nearly full.
Gruso said:
"Available at the moment."

And no, Red Baron does not have a Pandora.
Not yet but thinking about it
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I have just been comparing the size of the Pandora with the DSi XL/LL, the Pandora is smaller, I am now seriously thinking of the Pandora
You do realize if I get a Pandora, the Red Baron is BACK HA HA HA
OMG.....that's not very much. <_<

I thought that it would be much more by now.... :eek:

And the Mupen64plus is not even on that site.

And are there no emus for these consoles?? , nobody porting them? >

Neo Geo Pocket
Neo Geo CD
Neo Geo MVS
Master System
Game Gear
Gameboy / Color

Maybe even more...

-___- :huh:
Don't hold your breath for Saturn, you'll kill yourself!
All the rest, let a few dev's get their Pandora's and it wont be long.
The thing has only been out for a day. That list will expand very rapidly over the next week or two

I don't think the download counter is working, either that or nobody's downloaded ANYTHING yet!
mysticmaus said:
Master System
Game Gear

All those already exists as betaversions and are working fine (well, except for MAME and PSX who need more optimization).
They are currently being polished (GUI, controls, etc.) and will probably be released within the next days to weeks by the devs :)

The Pandora is only released for two days now ;)
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Id like to have a gba emu to play mario ball, dragonball advance, etc, but i think if i get my unit, there are a lot of emus in the app store / file archiv (nov 08)(1600 meybe)

yesterday i played nintendo world cup on my ds via nesds on the flash card, that was quite fun..
Hmm ofcourse.

I forgot a GBA and GBC emu , those are essential emulators too XD :p

Anyway , you guys are right , there shall be much more emu's in the weeks to come ^_^
mysticmaus said:
Hmm ofcourse.

I forgot a GBA and GBC emu , those are essential emulators too XD :p

Anyway , you guys are right , there shall be much more emu's in the weeks to come ^_^

GBA emulator too, but if I understand correctly that's quite a greater challenge to implement. We haven't seen any beta one in any videos.
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Well someday there will be a good one , maybe a port of Visualboy Advance , that's a great one ^_^

But still I don't understand why the Sega Saturn is so hard to emulate while the PSX and even dreamcast is easier XD :p