Emulation/game Holy Grail..?

For me the Holly Grail of Pandora games would be Neverwinter Nights. Now, we're wishing/dreaming here and I know the reasons it isn't going to happen.

I have a native Linux compiled version (32bit X86) of it. Too bad there will not likely be an ARM version.
Hot damn, I'd be all over it.
For me the Holly Grail of Pandora games would be Neverwinter Nights. Now, we're wishing/dreaming here and I know the reasons it isn't going to happen.

I have a native Linux compiled version (32bit X86) of it. Too bad there will not likely be an ARM version.
Hot damn, I'd be all over it.

I dare say I liked Dungeon Siege more, but I'm weird like that. The original NWN was excellent, though. The list of classic RPGs I'd love to see realised on the Pandora is very, very long and it wouldn't take a genius to guess what most of them are.

Most of 'em run pretty well in Windows on a MacBook Air: the 768 pixel vertical resolution being a huge benefit.

My ultimate title, however, would have to be Starcraft. I'm not holding out much hope for Stargus. Command & Conquer: Red Alert would be nice, too.

GOG.com is a good place to get an idea of my wishlist: http://www.gog.com/en/catalogue#all_genres/order/rate/

This, of course, ultimately wouldn't be a task for emulation; but rather a decently portable Intel computer running Windows.
Star Fox 2. :P That's all, folks.

Star Fox 2 is running on my Pandora, so maybe you've got a bad dump? It's glitchy, but seems more or less playable if you're not easily susceptible to seizures(it tends to flicker a lot in-game, although the map screen and ship selection screens are nice and stable).
I didn't say it doesn't run. I just don't count seizure-inducing graphical anomalies as working properly. ;)
  • Rogue Squadron (N64).

I don't know if there's any emulator that even runs that game on regular old PCs yet...


Oh, and Jet Force Gemini, anything Dreamcast, and maybe, one day, PSP.
For me the Holly Grail of Pandora games would be Neverwinter Nights. Now, we're wishing/dreaming here and I know the reasons it isn't going to happen.

I have a native Linux compiled version (32bit X86) of it. Too bad there will not likely be an ARM version.
Hot damn, I'd be all over it.

Doubtful - but I wonder if there is a chance that this could be static-recompiled off of the Linux X86 version...?
Star Fox 2. :P That's all, folks.

Star Fox 2 is running on my Pandora, so maybe you've got a bad dump? It's glitchy, but seems more or less playable if you're not easily susceptible to seizures(it tends to flicker a lot in-game, although the map screen and ship selection screens are nice and stable).
I didn't say it doesn't run. I just don't count seizure-inducing graphical anomalies as working properly. ;)
There is a specific patch which makes this game playable without any errors or graphical glitches but knowing your stance i cant link it here.
For someone who is against
but knowing your stance
http://boards.openpa...dpost__p__77320 ;)

Believe it or not, there's nothing against speaking the name of a game! ;)

Anyway, the problem is nothing to do with patches and the like. It is to do with Snes9x4P being based on a version of Snes9x that pre-dated the game's leakage. My understanding is that nothing will make it work properly unless a more recent version of Snes9x were available.
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Alot of later Arcade Games via MAME I would say. I have not tested it yet but I guess stuff like Radiant Silvergun or Street Fighter 3 does not really run full speed on the Pandora. ;)
My type of gamer would love to see mame optimised for pandora mame4all is good but the pandora could achieve so much more its a pity this emulator seams to have dried up as far as releases is concerned to answer your question radiant silvergun works but needs optimised played through the first level and everything is there just waaay too slow also a decent scaler for 106 would be nice as this seams to cause alot of games to crash.