Email Notification Not Working


Jan 5, 2004
Visit site

For some reason I don't get an email-notification when I receive a PM, allthough the option is checked, and my email adress is right.

does this option work for anyone around here?
Doesn`t work for me, too. I didn`t received any notifications for around a week, but I though I just may have messed something up in My Controls and I was too lazy to check...
Yeah, it stopped working about a week ago, and as an extra interesting fact it also put the order of my recieved PM's in the last week in the wrong order :S just two switched around but it messed with me that's for sure!
Aha, I thought it was only me that wasn't getting emails from here, I had a big problem last week when I had password problems, and the forum couldn't email me so I could reset it. I had to use another temp address so hando could sort it out.
saintdragon posted on Aug 6 2005 at 05:16 PM said:
i get em all the time...

I don't think it's being treated as spam. I run my own email server on my own domain. I used to get all emails from subscribed threads, but one day it all suddenly stopped. It was the day that the GPX2 unvailed thread started.

I really do not have any ideas why some people are getting emails and some are not, but I get the feeling it's not at our end.
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Hmm... looks like I lied ;)

Correction: Doesn't work for me anymore, as reporting posts or PM notification also doesn't work anymore.

I just thought it did, as I still get eMails for "New News Topic" - but it looks that's a totally different story... strange.

There's certainly something not working :(
EvilDragon posted on Aug 6 2005 at 11:58 PM said:
Hmm... looks like I lied ;)

Correction: Doesn't work for me anymore, as reporting posts or PM notification also doesn't work anymore.

I just thought it did, as I still get eMails for "New News Topic" - but it looks that's a totally different story... strange.

There's certainly something not working :(

Do you think someone should tell hando about this?
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hey... it somehow worked. i just got a notification for this thread?!


update: yup, seems to work. thank's to whoever did this :)