So, I coughed up the extra 35 quid for the "lifetime upgrades", then it was "only" another 30 quid to get the premium beta - they deduct what you already paid from the total. Yeah I like Elite, what the hell. I've only tried single player so far, it plays pretty nice.
The keyboard controls are mad. I guess it uses a good 25 keys by default, with more controls you can bind too - and you need to bind some of them if you want to kick ass in combat.
Don't see how they could bring this to consoles without dumbing it down through the floor. So I hope they don't do it. Still if they did and they put us on the same servers, we hardcore PC dudes could trounce all the console players.
To give you an idea, with the left hand it uses W A S D Q E R F Z X C V T G H 1 2 3 tab and left-shift by default!! and you need them all, lol. I also bound space, left-alt, left-ctrl and caps lock for preset speeds, which helps a lot with maneuvering, chasing, retreating and combat. I'm using nearly every key on the left side of the keyboard. (right hand is for mousing / joystick). I had to print out a qwerty keyboard layout and write all over it to remind me how to fly the thing.