old topic, new questions
my serial cable (in fact, it is a full BOB) is working for quite some time...
but i don't like the case, i've made for it and i want to work on a new version
i'll rewire the pins on the ext connector and my question is, if i need to connect the pins 21 and 20 (+3V) on the ext side?
does anyone know, if these pins are allready directly connected on the CB inside the gp2x?
if not, do i get less current if i only connect one of the pins to my BOB? :huh:
the same question for pin 7 and 8 (TV ground) or 6 and 1 (audio ground)
or any other ground... are all the grounds (TV, audio, USB host, serial) on the ext port connected to one ground on the CB, or do they run to different chips and should be treated seperatly?