Dutch Pandora Community

w1ll14m said:
I still think this would spilt the community, which is always bad.
Not always. Think, for example, of all the open source projects which have forked to allow people to pursue ideas in directions other than those intended by the original developers. Diversification and specialisation are usually decidedly good things.

No-one is saying that being a member of a localised community and being a member of the "global" community are mutually exclusive, and no-one is forcing anyone to join either.
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We have a Turkish GP2X/Pandora community.Forums are far less active, of course but I personally follow both forums, and having a place to talk and as for help in your own language is also good. There are folks who hang around only Turkish forums. Also sometimes when I see some interesting product or hack, I post the link to gp2xtr forums.
Another dutchie here :)

I'd probably be looking into both forums. And it would be good when you meet people that are interested in the :pandora1: but do not have a very good english knowledge. A forum/site in the native language is far less intimidating or overwhelming to some people.

So go for it i say :)

Later! (translation is the same:P)
When the Pandora sells very good and the community becomes big enough it could be fun. Right now the userbase is probably too small (see gpark,nl).
Het forum is er! check www.openpandoranederland.nl/forum ( openpandora.nl is al gekaapt, helaas ). Aan de website ( die een CVS en een RSS gaat hosten ) wordt nog gewerkt. Meld je aan zou ik zeggen ^^

The Dutch forum is there! check www.openpandoranederland.nl/forum (openpandora.nl already got hijacked ). The website (which is going to host a CVS and an RSS ) is still being worked on. Come in and register :)
SteveM said:
Katmaï said:
I would like to start building a Dutch community around the OpenPandora.
I guess there already is a Dutch community - they just don't know each other yet!

As for setting up your site: I'd say go for it. You'll never know if it'll take off unless you just go ahead and do it. As others have pointed out, the English resources are practically just as accessible for most Dutch users, but hopefully a dedicated site/forum/whatever can offer something extra (like maybe even arranging offline events, etc.).

You don't need any kind of special permission to set something like this up, although it would be polite to at least announce its existence and the actual launch. If you really want to set up an "official" community (whatever that may be) you should get in touch with Craig.

I saw you registered, thank you :) i'm working on it as much as i can.
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i feel stupid for trying to understand the first half of that post, before realizing there was a translation

But since I understood a fair chunk, this just goes to prove how similar german and dutch are
Kyosys said:
i feel stupid for trying to understand the first half of that post, before realizing there was a translation

But since I understood a fair chunk, this just goes to prove how similar german and dutch are
They are quiet similar but the Dutch tend to deny it. :blink:
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Totally true...

btw, how can i as a dutchman get an Pandora from the first batch ? I know, pre-ordering but exactly how would it go ?
LordUS95Doku said:
Totally true...
btw, how can i as a dutchman get an Pandora from the first batch ? I know, pre-ordering but exactly how would it go ?

That's not revealed yet. Probably creditcard and no paypal. They might allow bank transfer, but that always takes a couple of days.
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Hey , Ik ben ook nederlands
(translated : Hey, I'm Dutch, too)

I hope I can get one of those 3000 , But Im not 18 yet and I dont have enough money , so I have to ask my dad to lend me some (Make that 150 Euro) money. Also I don't know how to pay (Paypal plz?). And i have actually school on september the 30th , so I hope I will be able to buy one. Luckily it's Sinterklaas (A dutch way of Christmas bcoz like 70% of all the people here aren't christians) on December the 5th, so maybe my dad can give me the money I would get on that day.
Mithrildor said:
Hey , Ik ben ook nederlands
(translated : Hey, I'm Dutch, too)

I hope I can get one of those 3000 , But Im not 18 yet and I dont have enough money , so I have to ask my dad to lend me some (Make that 150 Euro) money. Also I don't know how to pay (Paypal plz?). And i have actually school on september the 30th , so I hope I will be able to buy one. Luckily it's Sinterklaas (A dutch way of Christmas bcoz like 70% of all the people here aren't christians) on December the 5th, so maybe my dad can give me the money I would get on that day.
I also love paypal, use it always to donate to devs fa. Really easy and convenient. Will probably not be able to buy a Pandora with paypal so if your dad hasn't got a creditcard than you still have 9 days to convince him to get one.
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