Duke3d Version 3 Black Screen


Still Fresh
Sep 6, 2005
Okay. The new Duke is out!!!! I know the topic has been covered, but the previous forums did not help me. I tried everything discussed there.
I have version 1.3d. I use the con files that comes with the new version on the official site (woogal). I still get the black screen. I also use the cfg file from Wiki. What could be wrong?
Okay. I was stupid. The cfg files had a .txt extension to it. Now it works.
So get the .003 version from the official site
Well, I gues I'll adopt this thread, since it's close enough, why start a new one.

I'm trying to use Duke 3D Atomic
When I use the .cfg in this version 1.4, I'm stuck with a black screen at startup. If I use the 1.3d .cfg in the wiki, it starts up title screen and music, but then hangs (playing music) after I select anything on the menu.
Any ideas?
The outside button (can't remember which letter offhand) makes it crash on the menu screen, select with inner button. Other than that, I'm not sure.....
primeris posted on Mar 29 2006 at 11:42 AM said:
If I use the 1.3d .cfg in the wiki, it starts up title screen and music, but then hangs (playing music) after I select anything on the menu.
Any ideas?

I got stuck here too. Apparently you can only use the A button to select stuff off the menu, or it hangs on a background image.

Try using the A button. You'll be glad you did.
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woogal posted on Mar 29 2006 at 12:53 PM said:
If I called the instructions pr0n.txt would you read the bloody thing then?

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