Dual Screen Multitasking

If your going to basically double the size of the Pandora by using 2 LCD's, how are you going to put that into your clothing?
Kagato said:
I thin Jonttu is asking if it would be possible to do this:


I don't know if it's possible, but it would be hilarious. :lol:
*Slaps forehead*
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Squidge said:
If your going to basically double the size of the Pandora by using 2 LCD's, how are you going to put that into your clothing?
Like this
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It will be like having 2 DS Lite's in one pocket (maybe 2-3 millimeters shorter) roughly around 40 millimeters
Reminds me of the ridiculous video walls that they put into cars on Pimp My Ride.

I really don't see the point of having 2 screens like that on a handheld. What you could do is have a button on the keyboard that switches the task (like ALT-TAB on windows).
Jonttu said:
It will be like having 2 DS Lite's in one pocket (maybe 2-3 millimeters shorter) roughly around 40 millimeters
Yes, and unless each screen points a different direction, one of them would be pointing outwards, so would get scratched with anything else in the pocket, unless a swivel connector is used.

I really don't see the point.

Also, it seems quite sad if any mention of the word Windows and people assume Microsoft. Linux can do Windows you know, it's called X :)
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For me it sounds like dual screens just for the sake of it. Next thing they will want a nunchuk controller ;)
javaJake said:
Actually, since you mentioned it, I was hoping the Wii controller drivers could get ported so's we can emulate Wii a little better.
You'll have to port some bluetooth drivers first :)
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CongoZombie said:
Emulate Wii? What is this craziness?
I, my dear fellow, am never crazy. Never and always.

Hey, I just realized the dual screen idea is perfect for DS emulation! What a brilliant, original ideas I have! *crazed laugh*
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javaJake said:
CongoZombie said:
Emulate Wii? What is this craziness?
I, my dear fellow, am never crazy. Never and always.

Hey, I just realized the dual screen idea is perfect for DS emulation! What a brilliant, original ideas I have! *crazed laugh*

We bow to your intelligence, We are not worthy. :P

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TheLonelyGod said:
*Hits self, once more, in the head*
You really need to stop hitting yourself in the head, you'll get a concussion.
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