GP2X Dreaming Of Descent For The Gp2x

Julius posted on Sep 3 2006 at 12:29 AM said:
"New status about this:
I will begin with the port for the GP2X when the next version of DXX is out.
This may take some time, but I really want to improve the code a bit more so every user (PC & ARM/GP2X) can profit."
Thanks for the news, because I can't check it myself. Their site got hacked by apparently. :(
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oryhara posted on Sep 3 2006 at 06:55 AM said:
Thanks for the news, because I can't check it myself. Their site got hacked by apparently. :(

Not over here... I would check if your computer isn't hacked itself.
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Julius posted on Sep 3 2006 at 04:08 PM said:
oryhara posted on Sep 3 2006 at 06:55 AM said:
Thanks for the news, because I can't check it myself. Their site got hacked by apparently. :(

Not over here... I would check if your computer isn't hacked itself.
It's fine now. I'd imagine they'd have fixed it, what with the 9 hour delay between my post and yours.
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(I played DII for hours on end, the stupid Dell didn't have a real heatsink on it, doh)

Yup. I had a Dell Latitude 475mc. That was a funny machine. It usually would press/unpress wrinkles out of my pants because it usually got pretty warm. I really should've put it to use as a space heater.
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Hello guys.

I hope there is still some interest for DESCENT on the GP2X :)

I am the maintainer of a project dedicated to improve the Descent Ports D1X and D2X.

Last days I spend many work to get both games running and - yes it DOES run already

Since the software renderer is heasy ASM and should be compiled with NASM I still look for a replacement because with the C-based renderer we would probably get only around 20 FPS.

I'm pretty new to ASM and if someone has some suggestions how I probably could that code running, it would surely help very much so you can play both games for christmas :)
I can't help you with asm, but this is amazing. There was a Descent 2 port a few weeks back that has a few improvments remaining... but a single app that does both Descent 1 and 2 on the rebirth engine at 320x240 would be too amazing for words.

Thankyou so much!
Yeah that port by paines was also "our first try". The "Rebirth" will be the next step :)

Basically Rebirth still contains two apps (d1x and d2x seperate).

We still think about improvements and possibilities. Except for the performance without having Assembler nothing big is left until we reched our goals :)

There is plenty of interest here. I know that there are quite a few old time decent fans who have a gp2x and I am one of them.

Can't help with the coding though.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the interests.

Currently I need to re-organise some stuff then I think I will be able to post some stuff so other developers may be able to help.

In any other case: I wrote a new C-Texmapper based on some other sources which is a bit fast right now. With it the game is already a bit faster and already playable (sort of the speed of the Quake port).

So it can only get better :)

I try to double my work to not dissappoint you all :)
Hey folks

I want to give you a new status about this project:

Descent1 - aka D1X-Rebirth is now nearly finished - better said it will go to BETA-testing today. I will move on to D2X-Rebirth - aka Descent2 today.
Compared to the currently released Descent2 port there are several advantages:
* New, faster texture mapper - the game runs "almost" smooth and definately playable at 200 Mhz - BUT...
* ... you have the change to overclock the game in the menu (200,233,250,266,275Mhz)
* You can play in Cockpit mode (no cutted cockpit bitmap) at 320x200 or Fullscreen at 320x240 (which is a bit slower)
* New controls mapping to use EVERY action the game offers

I hope I will manage the last bugs and the D2X-Rebirth port till christmas - as a small present ;)

P.S.: there are plans for networking support if the BoB is out. But before adding this feature - please be sorry I need to wait until I get my BoB.
P.P.S. MP3/OGG support is planned as well.
Is that actual GP2x footage (as in recorded through TVout and a TVin card on a PC)? Because it looks insanely smooth, and the movement of the player looks really damn amazing, as if the guy were using a mouse instead of the GP2x stick..

So, honestly, is that actual GP2x footage or DXX-pc footage?
If it's not actual GP2x footage, how well does the framerate in the movie compare to the actual framerate of the GP2x version?

Thanks. Can't wait until the 24th.. :P