DRD in Norway!


Nov 24, 2010
I live in Norway and right now history is being made. The Data Retention Directive is being put to use in Norway after the New Years. Sweden already has it. It is bad!

They say they want to just have it in case somebody has committed a crime and they want to check out who they have been speaking to on the internet and on their cell phone, in that case they have to get a warrant and bunch of approvals.

BUT: If you are suspected of terrorism, they can access the DLD/DRD without approval from anybody.

What..? This is taking away our freedom to be anonymous, the one place where we most need it; the internet.

This goes against our privacy and human rights, who are politicians to say what we want or not?

You want to know what the best part is? Almost everybody, everybody is against DLD/DRD!
Well, afaik, nobody has yet got any data out using it, and our ISP's are doing everything they can to find and use loopholes to get around it.
Yeah, but still. This is just ridiculous! There is a huge number that are against DRD, and they are just accepting this law without consulting with the people.

And for me, this is a case of principle! They can't just take away our privacy like that. And even we do get around it, their message is still there. They will be watching us..
The New World Order is well and truly upon us. The only solution is to build another one right on top of it.
Anonymous is busy with Sony atm, get back at them once that war has been DDos'd
Yeah, but we have anonymous here in Norway and we are DDos'ing their services. But we also are going to protest at the nearest town and use Guy Fawks masks :P
I would have said a mix of 1984 with a good amount of fahrenheit 451.