Well, some here might have OMAP5 devboards, so you can check out early versions of the Pyra Debian OS (based on Jessie).
You can always find the current rootfs images here:
There's also the MLO, u-boot.img, etc. - no further instructions, as anyone who is using a devboard should know how this works.
If you have any issues, let me know and I'll try to help you.
I've just built a current image, so you can try it out.
Some information about the current image (2014-12-17):
You can always find the current rootfs images here:
There's also the MLO, u-boot.img, etc. - no further instructions, as anyone who is using a devboard should know how this works.
If you have any issues, let me know and I'll try to help you.
I've just built a current image, so you can try it out.
Some information about the current image (2014-12-17):
- Debian with XFCE4 (using fbturbo with Pyra-optimized settings) preinstalled
- Repositories (to Debian and our own ones) should be properly setup (incl. Pyra-Keyring)
- Login: pyra / pyra and root-Passwort is root for now
- If no network-cable is connected, it takes a LOOOONG time to boot (as it tries to connect to the network and has a time out).
- First boot takes a loooong time - so please be patient
- I've not tested it yet - so it might not even work (but hopefully, it does)