Dosbox Barbarian Mapper.txt + Other Games?


Dec 6, 2007
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Hi all,

Has anybody managed to map everything successfully for Barbarian?

I have the game running successfully BUT I can't remember/map how the Barbarian picks up weapons (arrows, bow, sword) :(. I tried, space, f11, and f12, but it's not one of those :/. Before I start testing the whole keyboard one key at a time. I was hoping someone already had the answer.

The mouse input doesn't seem to work too well for me too. Not that I rally care about that, but if there is a way to pick up the weapons with mouse controls, I'd be very happy to know.

My current mapper.txt looks like this:

key_enter "key 105" (enter)
key_space "key 106" (which key for pick up weapon?)

key_1 "key 114" (1)
key_3 "key 113" (3)

key_f1 "key 99" (left)
key_f2 "key 97" (right)
key_f3 "key 101" (down)
key_f4 "key 103" (up)
key_f5 "key 111" (stop)
key_f6 "key 108" (jump)
key_f7 "key 109" (run)
key_f8 "key 110" (attack)
key_f9 "key 107" (jump backward)
key_f10 "key 112" (drop weapon and run away)

I'd also like to check if anyone has managed to get pinball illusions running? In my case, I can see some of the intro screens (which load VERY slowly) but it hangs after a while :/.

Oh, I'm using the latest dosbox btw, 0.72.

Thanks for any advice,
Replying to myself :P

I finally got Barbarian running the way I wanted. I tested in dosbox on my pc, much faster than changing the dosbox.conf and restarted the gp2x every time (duh! I should have thought of that earlier :huh:)


key_esc "key 106" (escape = gp2x select)
key_space "key 105" (show alternative controls = gp2x home; MUST start game as keyboad only = 2)

key_1 "key 114" (1 = gp2c vol-)
key_2 "key 113" (2 = gp2c vol+)

mod1 "key 114" "key 113"
key_v "key 105 mod1" (stops audio)

key_f1 "key 99" (left)
key_f2 "key 97" (right)
key_f3 "key 101" (down)
key_f4 "key 103" (up)
key_f5 "key 111" (stop = gp2x X)
key_f6 "key 108" (jump forward = gp2x R)
key_f7 "key 109" (run = gp2x A)
key_f8 "key 110" (attack = gp2x B)
key_f9 "key 107" (jump backward = gp2x L)
key_f10 "key 112" (drop weapon and run away = gp2x Y)

The game must be started as mode cga (key 1 = gp2x Vol-)
You must select input device keyboard (key 2 = gp2x vol+)
Preferably select 2 (gp2x vol+) for speed too.

In game, to get the extended menu which lets user pick up weapon and change weapon, press 'home' (key space). Pressing home again brings you back to primary menu.
In extended menu:
- gp2x left: pick up weapon
- gp2x right: stop?
- gp2x bottom: drop weapon
- gp2x top: pick up primary weapon
- gp2x X: pick up secondary weapon (if present)

Please upload your config files and a little instructional txt file to the file archive section for DOSBox configs (Archive->Emulation->DOSBox Configs), thanks!