Dosbox And Savng


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Hi guys,
When I try to save my game on Martian dreams or Savage Empire I get cannot save disk error? Does anyone know why this might happen? Other than that both game seem to run quite well..
LTStone said:
Hi guys,
When I try to save my game on Martian dreams or Savage Empire I get cannot save disk error? Does anyone know why this might happen? Other than that both game seem to run quite well..

Only things i can think of is that the write protection switch on the sd card is on, or the sd card has no space left, or the games themselves have issues (which could be proved by running on pc dosbox)
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One or more files or folders on the SD card that the games need to write to may be marked as read-only in their file properties.
Well Pickle I tried Saving the game on Martian Dreams off the card with my Pc version of dosbox and it seemed to work fine.. I also tried copying over my Ultima Underworld 2 and It also had a disk read save error .. so Dosbox for Wiz must not like my saves ( I copied my installed games and save right from my pc to the Wiz). I'm not sure why, probly a path problem. I bet if I started a fresh game right from Wiz Dosbox it would work... Other games that came with the Downloadable pack save fine(Wasteland etc). I'll keep playing around. Oh yeah Hunter I tried what u said but with no luck.
HunterZ said:
If you make a save while playing on the Wiz and then load it back, does that work?

I just tried running new games on Ultima underworld 2, and Martian Dreams and i get the same disk error, I tried a different sd card as well.. I'll try other stuff maybe on the weekend.

Could anyone maybe try either Martian dreams or Ultima Underworld 2 and see if its just me with this problem?
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HunterZ said:
Still sounds like an issue of files/folders marked as read-only to me.
When I uncheck the read-only box and apply it turns to a green shaded box when I check properties the next time? I'm using xp.
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Hmm. Are you using different folder names or mount commands for DOSBox on your Wiz versus DOSBox on your PC?
I just plugged in my sd card into my computer then dragged the martian.exe over the dosbox icon and boom played the game with no problems..