DOOMv5 help

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Still Fresh
May 24, 2003
I need some help with DOOM please...... I downloaded the WAD file and it says to put it in the GAME folder, but how do you do that? I only have MP3, GPMM, GPSYS, and GPETC as folders. GAME is only when you click on GP32 on PC link host and it is just a SMC file. I have the WAD file and the version 5 and i put the .fxe in GPMM but do you need to make a new folder, and if so how? Every time I do it just says NEW DIR. Also on my wad file the extension is wad.gz What the heck is that? It can only be 3 letters. Someone please help. I have been trying to get this to work for a while. Thanks and please help.
Okay firstly, when you go into the PClink host software and click GP32 you should see a list of folders, MP3, GPPM etc., if for some reason GAME is not showing up as a folder, go to the file menu and click format, you should now have a GAME folder, click on this folder, and then press the new button on the toolbar, now a folder is created in the games one to rename it from NEW DIR, you simply type in the name you want and press enter, so in this case type DOOM.

Now the strange part a .gz file is a type of compressed file like a zip, the doom wad file should be available as a file called doom.wad or doom2.wad, this is the file you need to put in the new folder you have created, now install freelauncher (look in the FAQs if u don't know how to do this), and your sorted.
Okay, I keep zboy9. Anyway, when on my GP32 I click to load DOOM on the red screen nothing happens. SO I clicked the boot messages to see what would come up and it said that no files were found and that it is shutting down. AHHH!!!! this is soooo frustrating.
you do NOT have to format.
If you dont see a game folder, click "GP32" at the left, and at the right if you dont see a bunch of folders right click and click refresh. If its still not there, well, you might as well format because you dont have the free launcher or anything in there anyway.

The doom.wad goes into GP32\game\doom\
^I think...
It still don't work. I put the wad file in GP32/game and the fxe in gpmm, and when I go to doom and push launch doom the screen just freezes, and i waited a long time. what is wrong?
that link don't work, and the website has never heard of doom
the link worked for me...but I already have Doom!
i said game\doom\! not just game
here is where the wad file goes
gp32\game\doom\doom.wad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get it?!!!!

lol im tired
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