Doom3 Thoughts


May 12, 2004
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After completing it on marine mode I come to a few conclusions about doom3

Its only scary because...
*At the start you dont get much ammo
*Shit is always jumping out or teleporting in behind you as you go along
*Its realy dark and the doom guy dosnt know how to hold a gun and a torch at the same time

I also found some of the remade monsters where a little bad
*baron of hell did not look as good as the original he needs horns and stuff ;)
*cacodemon seemed too small and not red enough
*cyberdemon was quite good but way too easy to kill :(

Some weapons where a little disapointing
*plasmarifle works from cells of 50 and untill close to the end you never normally have more than 150 (3 cells) normally takes several seconds to empty 1 cell making the weapon close to useless :(

*BFG Although this one dose hurt everything it normally only kills things in the area where the big green blot hits / explodes

*chainsaw This thing is awsome about 3 seconds of running and cutting one of those big dog type Demon things and they die alot more powerfull than the original :D

Doom 3 is a different style of game to the originals I could see myself playing it through 1 more time to see if I missed anything but thats it I dont think It has any replay value Like the originals.

Anyone agree ?
I agree, but then again I didn't find Doom 1/2 replayable either. They never appealed to me, whereas Doom 3 did. id are just taking Doom up to the newer gaming trends, so it's possible that you won't like it as much, but much of their userbase will. Remember id are very interested in making money :/
Doom3 Kicks ass :P

Your saying you would rather play DOOM 1 or 2 Again and Again when you have Doom 3 Sitting there???

Dont get me wrong, Doom1 and 2 kick ass, but If given the choice on what to play out of the 3, I would have to chose D3 cos of the Effects and Surround Sound etc :D.. Damn, Im only playing D3 on the Medium settings at 800x600 (Or what ever it is) and it looks cool... I just Wish that I had better hardware to be able to play it at the Highest Settings :D
I have completed the original Doom a few times its best in co-op with a null modem cable an a friend :D (I read xbox version will have coop mode)

Your saying you would rather play DOOM 1 or 2 Again and Again when you have Doom 3 Sitting there???

now that I have completed Doom3 I would say yes because its a maze of dark corridors I cant think to mysefl I will go back and play a specific level because it was good as a whole

I would play it through one more time on the hardest setting and also to see if the Transmit | cancel thing changes the ending but that and multiplay is the only replay you can realy get out of it
What are you talking about, Exo? If you're not gonna remake doom to be more realistic, then there's no point in remaking it. I think everything fit together perfectly.
The weapons are crap and the gameplay is repetitive and annoying (looking at the PDA etc).

The graphics and atmosphere though are really tasty. Love it for that.

I'd give it a 6/10 overall.

Now waiting for Half Life 2.
I dont like the way its "event driven". For example you do something, then a monster jumps out and then thats it. I'd love it if there were more randomised monster encounters, since you wouldnt know where is safe and where its not.

Still a very good game. Can't wait for a Battlefield : Doom Mod though :D
I love the part when you get to that corridor bit and you just hear "DUM", "DUM", "DUM" As Each light goes out and your in darkness
lizard808uk posted on Aug 16 2004 at 05:44 PM said:
I dont like the way its "event driven". For example you do something, then a monster jumps out and then thats it. I'd love it if there were more randomised monster encounters, since you wouldnt know where is safe and where its not.
To be fair, going back over old areas (usually when lost) causes new, seemingly random monsters to spawn.

Steve-O: that part sucks. Changing to the flashlight takes too long, and if you get killed you have to restore the game, losing any fear or suspense the game had. Not only that, it's bloody predictable when the lights are going to go out most of the time.
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what are you talking about, Exo? If you're not gonna remake doom to be more realistic, then there's no point in remaking it. I think everything fit together perfectly.

I dont think you fully understood what I was trying to say yes It all fit and it was an enjoyable game but its not a game I could play through it again with as much enjoyment like I could with the original.

Kop_007 I would say a 6/10 is a good score for doom3 I would also rate it around 6 or 7 out of 10

Im hoping HL 2 is going to be alot better :D
I haven't played it enough yet, I haven't had time or I've been too nackered for the last few nights.

But I think I agree with what your saying. Even though I love this game for the suspense, atmosphere and pure terror. It isn't quite the same as the original dooms.

They had a certain pick-up and play arcady feel, as each level could be played independantly. And every level had such character. I remember every one when I go back to it now, somehow I don't think I'll remember Doom3's maps quite so easily.

But still though, I'm not disapointed, more pleasantly surprised really, to find a different type of game. I've only played about a third through, but I love it so far. And I do like the seperate flashlight thing, the 'duct tape' mod would fuck up all the tension in the game if you ask me.

I think some people slagging it off really aren't letting themselves get into the game. I played it once in the middle of the day between distractions, and it just wasn't the same, it was also a lot easier because it lost that absorbing fear factor.

Just my thoughts.
If you play through Doom64 Level 10 - I guarantee you, this is some of the best level design I've seen in ages. Particularly towards the end where it forces you to sprint AND use your shotgun at point blank range!

One particular thing I've noticed with Doom 3 is that a lot of creatures pounce, when they do, all you do is back up and jump with your shotgun pointed down at their head and in a couple of hits you can even kill some of the bigger monsters.