Doom mods?

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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I wonder if it's possible to put PC mods of Doom onto the GP32 and play them as you can on the PC, so far I've tried but I cant get it to work, Doom just looks as normal. If it's possible at the moment, please tell me how to do it, otherwise, please let it be a feature in a future GPDoom release :D
new version won't have that.

But hopefully Craig will the release the source of his updates, allowing the modification to carry on - not that anyone else seems interested. Then, finally, we might see mods incorporated into the source.
I can add the jump mod i suppose, but it means one less key again!

I'm still trying to iron out the save bug, its not a code bug, but a bug in the actual gamepark IO lib which goes mental, randomly, when writing large files (over about 128k it seems), i've made it better, but it can still die for no reason i can find, going to have to write a way round it.

I would think that graphic, sound and map mods would be possible on our current version... u'd have to patch the main Doom WAD file with the PWAD u want to play using something like wintex... only drawback is that u'd have to keep re patching and re loading the 12-15MB file whenever u wanted another level to play.

You should be able to find all the tools u need at

Personally i'm content to wait till someone sorts out the PWAD stuff first
Save has been having problems with being used if the GP is turned off between trying to load. Its strange, but true...

There's also been a problem with them going really weird after a while. Not sure what either's about, but I think the latter one is the IO error stuff...