Doom 1 And 2 On Gp32


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
I have the original doom 1 and 2 and some other wads... as far as I know all their music when played on the PC was via MIDI. I tried playing them on my xbox (same way they were hacked to run on the gp32) and got sound effects but no music... just wondering if it will have music on the gp32?

Also, will ANY doom wads work on the gp32?
well isn't a funny thing that the music works on the gp32 and not the xbox :)

I actually just trracked down a readme after much searching, for the xbox doom port, and it does say there is no midi or cd sound supported at all, and most likely never will be... SUXXXXXXX!
devlkore - how did you get music working on doomX on xbox? The readme file even says it does not support the MIDI or CD music.

Of course I dont think the gp is more powerful than the xbox :-P just thought it odd that the weaker of the two was playing the music.

Well unless there has been a real recent update to DoomX then I dont see how you got music working......
Drumaster posted on Dec 5 2004 at 12:22 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Dec 5 2004 at 04:38 AM said:
Yes, the music plays on the GP32.

Yes, the .wads work just fine.

Get 'em here:

GP32 file archive/doom wads
No, only IWADs and PWADs work on GP32.

Right ... thus, I provided a link to the working ones, conviniently located on Dragon's file archive. I'm lazy.
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so what's the difference between regular wads, iwads and pwads?

Does this mean my regular Doom.wad PC file will NOT work?
IWAD is the wad that's included with the game, I think the "I" stands for internal, but I don't remember. PWAD's are extra wads that can be loaded for extra maps (most of them), graphics, sounds or music extras.
bast525 posted on Dec 5 2004 at 07:03 PM said:
devlkore - how did you get music working on doomX on xbox? The readme file even says it does not support the MIDI or CD music.

Of course I dont think the gp is more powerful than the xbox :-P just thought it odd that the weaker of the two was playing the music.

Well unless there has been a real recent update to DoomX then I dont see how you got music working......

Music has been working for a little while now, check the latest version on Xbins.
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devlkore posted on Dec 6 2004 at 12:48 PM said:
bast525 posted on Dec 5 2004 at 07:03 PM said:
devlkore - how did you get music working on doomX on xbox? The readme file even says it does not support the MIDI or CD music.

Of course I dont think the gp is more powerful than the xbox :-P just thought it odd that the weaker of the two was playing the music.

Well unless there has been a real recent update to DoomX then I dont see how you got music working......

Music has been working for a little while now, check the latest version on Xbins.

SWEET! I definately will! After all these years I still dont get tired of Doom :P it didn't seem right on the xbox w/o music though... glad to hear they did get it in.
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