Just had a play with DooEngine, And thank you very much alekmaul, I`m loving it™
Here`s my results for the games i`ve tried.
1941 Counter Attack, CRC 8C4588E2, Black screen on startup
1943, CRC FDE08D6D, A bit slow, But very playable, No sound
Air Zonk, CRC E3284BA7, Corrupt screen + freeze on startup
Alien Crush, CRC:60EDF4E1, Black screen on startup
Atomic Robo Kid, CRC

D175EFD, A bit slow, But very playable, No sound
Bomberman 93, CRC 26020C77, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Bomberman 94, CRC 05362516, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Blazing Lazers, CRC 7AA9D4DC, Black screen on startup
Bonks Adventure, CRC D5C782F2, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Bonks Revenge, CRC 64301FF1, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Bonks Big Adventure, CRC 9913A9DE, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Bronze Adventure, CRC CC7D3EEB, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Bloody Wolf, CRC 47AFE6D7, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Chase HQ, CRC 9298254C, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Coryoon, CRC B4D29E3B, A bit slow, But quite playable, No Sound
Darius Alpha, CRC B0BA689F, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Darius Plus, CRC BEBFE042, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Devils Crush, CRC 2762792B, Black screen on startup
Dragon`s Curse, CRC 0BE0E0A8, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Gradius, CRC 0517DA65, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Galaga 90, CRC 6273A9D4, Black screen on startup
Gunhed, CRC A17D4D7E, Black screen on startup
Hana Taka Daka, CRC BA4D0DD4, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound, Freezes when you die
Kyuu Koyoku Tiger (Tiger Heli), CRC 09509315, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Liquid Kids, CRC:B2EF558D, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound, Corrupt graphics during startup (Double buffer issue ?), But fine in-game
Legendary Axe, CRC 07A226FB, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Magical Chase, CRC DD0EBF8C, Loads fine, But can not start game, Tries to start, But screen compresses (Pal > Ntsc ?), Then goes to attract mode, No Sound.
Metal Stoker, CRC 25A02BEE, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Military Madness, CRC 93F316F7, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound, Graphical glitches during the transition from one screen to another before game starts (Screens briefly expands off to the right or compresses to the left)
Mr Heli, CRC 2CB92290, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
New Adventure Island, CRC E415EA19, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
New Zealand Story, CRC 1772A6BC, Game loads fine, With Sound, But all sprites and the score at the top of the screen are corrupt, Everything else is ok
New Zealand Story, CRC 8E4D75A8, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound
Puzznic, CRC 965C95B3, Black screen on startup
Paranoia, CRC 43EFC974, A bit slow, But quite playable, No Sound
Parasloe Stars, CRC E6458212, A bit slow, And not quite playable (Damn), With Sound
Parodius, CRC 647718F9, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Psycho Chaser, CRC 03883EE8, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
R-Type, CRC 9E2CF932, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Raiden, CRC C7847DF7, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
R-Type 2, CRC F207ECAE, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Rabio Lepus Special, CRC D8373DE6, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Salamander, CRC FAECCE20, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Shanghai, CRC2E6B6200, A bit slow, But very playable, No Sound
Skweek, CRC 4D539C9F, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Side Arms, CRC E5E7B8B7, Black screen on startup
Turrican , CRC 3F982D0F, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound, Inverse colours on title screen after it refreshes, Controls are not always responsive
Terra Cresta 2, CRC 1B2D0077, A bit slow, But very playable, With Sound
Xevious, CRC F8F85EEC, A bit slow, But quite playable, With Sound