Does Anyone Know Where To Get Dracula X?


Sep 15, 2005
Hello again. I'm learning the capabilities of what this little machine can do, and from what I understand, the PC engine runs pretty smooth.

I've been looking for what's supposed to be the best game for it, "Dracula X Rondo of Blood".

Does anyone actually have this game or know where to even find it? I don't know the legal ramifications of asking so I apologize for any rule-breaking, but I was just wondering if this game even exists and how to go about trying to find it. Google and so on have yielded nothing.
Actually, with all the emu talk on this site I didn't think that it was frowned upon to ask for rom locations, but since it is I apologize for any wrongdoing. I've done emu stuff before and knew that it was sort of taboo to ask for them, so I always did my own stuff and found what I needed usually. I just figured that this game is supposed to be rare or something and I never seem to find it, so I was looking for ideas, that's all.

I suppose that if this topic is to stay up, I'll just ask- does anyone here actually have Dracula X for the PC Engine and if so, is it even worth trying to find? PM me if you'd rather not discuss it openly. As a Castlevania fan, I guess I've just been very curious about this game. Again, sorry for any unintentional rule-breaking.
I had it awhile back but sold it. That is before the craze to get it.

There are no emulators on the GP2X or GP32 that can play CD images though.
Yet you can try Castlevania : Bloodlines which is another great Castlevania game and runs perfectly in DrMD up to the end of the fourth level. Hopefully more Cyclone fixes will nullify this problem as well.
mrdark posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:57 AM said:
Actually, with all the emu talk on this site I didn't think that it was frowned upon to ask for rom locations, but since it is I apologize for any wrongdoing. I've done emu stuff before and knew that it was sort of taboo to ask for them, so I always did my own stuff and found what I needed usually. I just figured that this game is supposed to be rare or something and I never seem to find it, so I was looking for ideas, that's all.

Well, the thing is, emulators are legal, spreading copyrighted software (like videogames) on the internet is not, so you may not ask for specific ROM locations here, or else you'll get the owner of the site into trouble. But I bet you knew that.

I can tell you however that you won't likely find the game on the internet. Some kind of file-sharing medium (eMule, Bittorrent, dc++, whatever) is your best bet, if you don't want to buy the game from eBay.

But even if you find it, it's not easy to burn the image correctly and you need a good emulator as well. AFAIK, Magic Engine is the only emulator who emulates the game perfectly and it is commercial.

mrdark posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:57 AM said:
I suppose that if this topic is to stay up, I'll just ask- does anyone here actually have Dracula X for the PC Engine and if so, is it even worth trying to find?

Absolutely. Rondo of Blood is probably the best "classic" (as in: with whip-oriented mostly linear gameplay) Castlevania game there is right now. The music is awesome, the gfx are very good (for the PC Engine) and the level design is great, too.
Also, the story of Symphony of the Night (which borrows most of the enemies from Rondo) begins in this game.
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mrdark, check your private messages.

Never ask for ROMs on messageboards unless it's clearly allowed. Most sites, here included, it is not. You could be subtle tho, and sometimes people will privately help you. Example: "Can you play Dracula X on GP32? What emu? If I can ever find where to download it, I would love to play it on GP32." Then you wouldn't get hammered for breaking rules. ;)

And yes, it's GREAT. No Castlevania fan should die without playing this game first. :P
i think dracula X is cool, and worth a look, but i certainly wasn't blown away by it when i checked it out. believe me, i was an old school castelvania fan and all (I could still pick up the first oen any time and have a blast) but i always felt 4 (snes) was superior. maybe cause the play mechanics changed a little, the extra gimmics and etc. plus the obviously nicer 16-bit touches (a/v)

Dracula X just always felt like a prettier version of the game in general with a kicking soundtrack and some nice features.. and it's cool having the maria character.. just not as memorable, overall.

that's just me though.