Does anyone have a link to blood cross GP demo?

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
I've been dying to try it out, but for the life of me I can't find the link on the official site, or on GP32x.
Robo, I thought b cross was the next best thing. However,on DL I realised that it wasnt that great. A nice looking game yes. But if you love your fighters than get the amazing KOF91!
The demo of Blood Cross isn't anywhere near complete. I think you can select two characters, or maybe three, I forget. I'm not even sure if many moves are implemented yet. I think it's safe to say, though, that when Blood Cross is finished, KOF 91 won't hold against it.
I know it's not very complete, hence the demo :P I just wanted to see a non-emu app for once. And I kinda wanted to show my friend the game.
there is a website. if u search in google you should find it. there might even be a link to their website in the bloodcross download section of this site.

Does any1 hav any idea what kind of date this might be finished? been demoing for months...
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