Dodgy File Transfer


Still Fresh
Dec 25, 2003
OK had my gp32 for a few hours now rough start but everythings ok. theres only one thing, i tranfer some emus and roms onto it and play on em for a while but when i decide to put more stuff on or a large file on it gives an error.

After this it gives errors when trying to tranfer anythng ang my only option is to format and start again

How can i stop this from happening???????????????????????????????????????????
do u have a card reader. if not i highly recommend u buy one, never had a problem tranferring large files plus its much quicker.

maybe try using that squidgelink thing instead of pclink?
k i got a card reader but everytime i try to use it,the thing recons its write protected?????????

Ive tried formatting it on the GP32 link and then going back to the reader but the same thing still happens.
I had the same kind of problems - squidgelink made it all better for me - no
time-outs or errors with that one...


I've noticed now that Squidgelink is currently not Windows95/98/ME compatible, so if your using that OS, all you'll get is an ASync read error, as the OS does not support asynchronous I/O via USB. Soz for that, but at least you know why now.
Alos what you can do is put the silver foil on to write protect it. Try to format it... wont work.

Then remove write protection and you should now be able to use it.. Funny but woorks.

I also foud i could format smc's with cameras, etc.. but not write with the smc card writer..!
