On a more serious note:
Im too impatient for this stuff, as you seem to post just once a day. So I'll shorten it.
I know what you imply "black ones" are, but I'll tell you something. It's all nonsense
Any subculture develops signs and symbols, like wearing black clothes, having a funny haircut or call them selves "black ones" or punks or whatever.
I think those tendencies of dissociation to "mainstream" are part of our evolutionary necessities and mainly influenced by the surroundings. Ok, people's character influences which route they might take, but they'll just adopt what they find.
The problem is, when people start to define themselves by certain characteristics projected to a subculture, they might lose something by rejecting other characteristics that don't fit into that group.
I would never want to be a goth, punk, emo or whatever is hip right now. Joe Public is flexible