Djvu Reader / Viewer

Here is evince, recompiled with djvu support.
Please test if it suits your needs, then I can clean the pxml and upload to the repo.
Ok. It works, but it's hard to run it from menu , because the pnd have the same name [in xml] as original evince from NAND. It could be better if this pack will be called as "Evince with DJVU Support" or something similar "Document Viewer with DJVU support"

Thanks mcobit, excellent work..
Could be, I loaded a 500kb file with 40 pages of text only without any problems though. Maybe if you have 400 pages of pictures, etc, it will struggle.
How big was the document you wanted to view?

Edit: Try to mount some swap and try again, so you can find out, if it is because of memorylimitations. Then please report back.
Might explain that, but would be interesting, if it works with swap mounted... Do you have a link to that file, so I can test myself?

Edit: Could you post the pndrunout file of it from the /tmp directory, after it is crashing?
Ok, these documents have Only graphics in it. In the log it says it got "killed", that could mean, it gets killed because of too low memory, as there is no swap and the systen doesn't know where to store the data anymore.
As said, for small files it works good.
Last test with swap i will do tomorrow.

Thanks for reporting!
Tested it now and the problem is memorylimitation.
Try the following:

Open a terminalwindow, then:
cd /media/YOURSDLABEL/
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 (creates a 512 mb swapfile)
sudo mkswap swapfile (formats it as swap, ignore the warning)
sudo swapon swapfile (activates the swapfile)

Now your document should get loaded fully.

Also you could use this tool: