Display Bug Issues?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
If i go to the file menu in say deadbeef or any other program and try to access pandora files or saved folders etc,the folder file screen does not display properly.It is off the top of the screen.Moving the d-pad about brings some of it
into view,but try to load folders or files and the display dissappears again.
Does anyone else experience this?I know the software is still beta so my question is.Could this be fixed in a hotfix
maybe.It is quite annoying. ;)
If its an app issue (ie: specific to deadbeef or something) then it has nothing to do with firmware per se, so not fixed in hotfix.

The standard gtk type file picker does fit on the screen; possibly it remembers its last size, and possibly you resized it (?), so that maybe its not fitting now? If this is the case, then try resizing it :)

I've not seen anything funny with the firmware stuff, but app stuff can be funny; and thats up to apps. *Shrug* (not that I've seen everything in the firmware though either :)

skeezix said:
I've not seen anything funny with the firmware stuff, but app stuff can be funny; and thats up to apps. *Shrug* (not that I've seen everything in the firmware though either :)
The only time I've seen it in the firmware, to the best of my recollection, is in the Desktop Properties box in Xfce. It stretches to ridiculously wide proportions if you add a desktop background that has a moderately long filename. :P
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